Mirkwood Coffee, Comics, and Games
Richfield, MN
10 participants
I had a shock when I arrived at Mirkwood. We had driven all
the way from
Rochester to Richfield, about an hour and a half drive, and they informed me
that they were only having Pokemon League, and not the tournament.
Fortunately, I pointed out that I had read that they were having a tournament
on their website, and they agreed to run one. Anyway, I was playing a new
deck this time, not my Golden Fox (maybe you've read my other deck reports).
This deck revolves around confusing with Sabrina's Venomoth, then damaging
the bench with Brock's Golbat. Brock's Golbat turned out to be mostly
deadweight, but Sabrina's Venomoth is one of the best cards I've ever played.
4 Sabrina's Venonat
3 Sabrina's Venomoth
3 Brock's Zubat
2 Brock's Golbat
3 Scyther
2 Brock's Lickitung (awesome card)
4 Psychic energy
6 Grass energy
3 Rainbow energy
3 Rocket's Trap
3 Oak
4 Bill
4 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
2 Scoop Up
3 Gust of Wind
Round 1 vs Tony (TR Drowzee/ Base Haunter combo)
Usually he plays Haymaker but this time I guess he was
expanding his
horizons (or something like that). I pretty much used Brock's Lickitung the
whole game because he resisted most of Tony's Pokemon, and he didn't see any
real card drawing until it was too late. During the final minutes of the
game, he had gotten Wigglytuff out and I had gotten 60 damage on it (I have
sort of a knack for beating Wigglytuffs, I think) so he retreated to the
bench. I had one prize left, so I I tem Findered a gust and KOed 'Tuff.
Round 2 vs Justin (basic Haymaker, I think)
Not much to say about this game. I kept confusing him with
Moth, but he
kept finding ways around the confusion, and I eventually lost.
Round 3 vs ? (don't remember his name, but he had a Dk Vileplume deck)
Boy, this deck was tough. It was the first time I had played
against a
deck like this, and it wasn't exactly fun. He got a Vileplume out very early,
which meant no more trainers, and I kept getting horrible draws. He had Dk
Dragonair and Dragonite, which meant he could get all the Wigglytuffs and
Jigglypuffs he wanted, so I was beaten fairly quickly. Good deck, I must
Round 4 vs deck (don't remember much about it)
This fight was pretty easy. I think ha had Haymaker Pokemon
like Chan and
Scyther but he also had some other evolutions. I basically kept confusing him
and then slashing him, and there wasn't much he could do about it.
Round 5 vs Haymaker w/ Lickitung
This match was harder due to Electabuzz, but I just kept on
confusing him
and beating him up just like before. It was a long game, but I won
I made it into the finals and was matched up against a guy playing a
Raindance deck with Movie Articuno, Lapras, and Erika's Dratini. It was
2 out of 3. The first game he got Blastoise out 2nd turn but I confused him
right away, making Raindance useless (heh heh heh). I easily defeated
Blastoise, and when he got another one out I used the same strategy and
eventually won the game. The second game he got Blastoise out 2nd turn again
and I didn't get Moth out soon enough so he won. The third game he didn't get
Blastoise out soon enough and was busy trying to get Articuno pumped.
Unfortunately for him, I kept confusticating him and SERing him and won.
In the second round of the finals I was paired up against Matt with a Turbo
Wiggly. The first game he ran through his deck and got Wiggly out quick but I
KOed it easily. The rest of the game was spent confusing and stalling as long
as possible, and he decked himself. The second game was a first turn win for
him. I had a single Lickitung, he went first with a Hitmonchan, ran through
his deck, got 4 PlusPowers, and won. The third game he wasted me with
Wigglytuff because I couldn't get Moth out quick enough. He won 2 and I won
1, so that was it for me.
I won 2 packs of Gym Heroes for 4th I think, and got Erika's Clefairy and yet
another Sabrina's Venomoth. before the tourny started I bought a pack of Gym
and got Rocket's Moltres, so that was pretty cool.
no props or slops.
Contact me at KingDedede999@aol.com
-Jake Masbruch