>                The Haymaker (fighting/electric/grass)
>               By Chris Carolan
>    East Coast STS Qualifier Tourney at Oakland Mall
>               Troy, Michigan
>              Sunday August 27
>Roughly 288 participants total..(split up into age
>groups 32 in each session)
>4 Scyther
>3 Hitmonchan
>3 Electabuzz
>3 Ditto
>2 Lickitung
>2 Bill
>2 Defender
>3 Energy Search
>3 Plus Power
>2 Gust of Wind
>2 Computer Search
>2 Switch
>2 No Removal Gym
>4 Potion
>8 Lighting
>9 Fighting
>4 Grass
>2 Double Colorless
>Round 1 vs Psychic/Fire
>The first match of the day...after sitting around for
>a while waiting for my opponent to show up ( 5 more
>min and he would have been disqualified) he finally
>to start off i had a hitmonchan (active) and a ditt(on
>my bench) he had a chamander out and a bench of 2
>vulpix, an abra, and another charmander...i ended up
>switching my hitmonchan for a lickitung that i
>drew..that lasted for a while. eventually he got in an
>energy hole and couldn't get any so i just took out
>his pokemon one by one until i got all 6 prizes
>Round 2 vs RainDance deck
>this round went by quick..i mean real quick...2
>turns...on the first turn i had a scyther out and a
>hitmonchan on the bench...he had a rocket squirtle as
>his active pokemon...in my hand i had 2 plus powers, a
>double colorless energy, a computer search, a grass
>energy and a no removal gym. so i played the grass on
>scyther, and the gym in play. the next turn i drew a
>fighting energy and played the double colorless energy
>on scyther and used 2 plus powers witch ended the
>Round 3 vs yet another raindance deck(these were
>this went by fast i put out my scyther and my opponent
>had an articuno out..the energy just kept getting put
>on until someone could attack..i got a grass energy
>and with the no removal gym was easy to keep on the
>scyther i swords danced and made the next turn 60
>damage..i drew an energy put it on scyther and used a
>plus power to kill the articuno which not once
>paralyzed me..my scyther took 60 damage before i ko
>the articuno...defenders and potions really come in
>Round 4 vs wiggley deck ( almost everyone at the
>tourney had wiggley or raindance decks)
>this is the match i lost...every time i was ahead he
>would oak him self to get more wiggleys.....the match
>didn't end that fast and was a hard fought battle by
>me. in the end i got an invitation to the east coast
>sts, a sts hat and 12 gym heroes packs...over all in
>my session i came in 4th..
>thanks 4 reading
>Chris Carolan