Death to Haymakers
by Justin
Megaplay Games- Houston, Tx.
Sunday, Aug. 27
About 15 participants
Hi! I designed this deck to take out those annoying Haymakers that everyone at this tournament plays.  Of course, this week the 5 people that always play haymakers weren't there(too scared ;), and no one else played one.   There was one kid who had a haymaker, but I didn't get to play him. Oh, well. On to the deck!
Death to Haymakers
4 Erika's Dratini (great anti-hay pokemon, center of deck)
3 MP Mewtwo (bye Hitmonchan, other Mewtwo, or Ditto)
3 Electabuzz (no Raindance worries)
1 Lt. Surges Electabuzz ( Charge up benched pokemon while doing damage)
3 Scyther (I HATE Hitmonchan)
4 GOW (duh)
3 Pluspower
3 ER
3 Scoop Up (use on Erika's Dratini to re-kill that Hitmonchan)
3 Prof. Oak (duh)
2 Itemfinders (get back needed trainers)
2 RSA (wanna use that SER? Denied!)
2 NGR (Really PO someone by getting back Erika's Dratini after they wasted time killing it)
2 Narrow Gym (get rid of other annoying gyms; works well on Wiggly decks)
2 Good Manners (Hmmm.. I think I'll get out Erika's Dratini...)
2 EF (Energy Flow) ((save valuable energy))
1 Erika's Maids (2 Erika's Dratinis? Awesome!)
1 CPU Search
5 Psy energy
4 Electric energy
2 Rainbow energy
The strategy is to get out Erika's Dratini and beat up on Hitmonchan... OOPS.. I mean, haymakers.  In case of Wiggly decks, SER, ER, and Narrow Gym are your best bets. On to the battles!
First, we did best 2 out of 3...
Round 1 vs. ER deck
Battle 1- I had out Mewtwo against his Eevee, Poliwag, and Psyduck.  I powered up Mewtwo while his Eevee kept tackling me.  I gusted out Poliwag and killed it.  He kept tackling me, while I psyburned. He used Potion and evolved to Dark Vaporeon and Whirlpooled.  I used psyburn with 2 Pluspowers. He sends out Psyduck, evolves to Golduck, and does nothing. I Psyburn. He does nothing. I Psyburn for the win.
Battle 2- I couldn't draw any energy and when I did, he removed it. Eventually, he drew his last prize.
Battle 3- He had out Totodile* and me Scyther.  I powered up Scyther while he powered up and evolved to Croconaw*.  I killed his Croconaw with one blow + Sword's Dance. No bench!
*= Translations Below
Round 2 vs. Base Gastly?-Dark Hypno deck
Battle 1- She had out B Gastly and me Electabuzz.  See kids, this is why Gastly is a bad card.  Turn1,thundershock, parylisis, she does nothing, turn 2 thunderpunch, win.
Battle 2- See above
Then, we stopped 2 out of 3 and made it single elimination.
Round 3 vs. Copy of my deck except with Hitmonchan instead of Electabuzz. 
I don't really remember this battle.  I just remember I killed off a few Hitmonchans and Scythers until I got to the Erika's Dratinis. Then, I kept ERing his DCEs and pounding his Erika's Dratinis until he had no bench.
Finals vs. Arcanine deck
This kid made some dumb mistakes.  I don't remember much except that he sent out his Growlithe with 4 energies and 20 damage against my fully charged no-damage Mewtwo.  Needless to say I killed it.  I then tried to play Narrow Gym but Mr. King of the World here said that since he wasn't paying attention when I played it that I had to discard it.  Oh well.  I creamed his other basics with Mewtwo.
I WON!!!!!!!!!  I got $20 store credit and bought The Rocket's Trap, Holographic Lt. Surge, Sabrina's Venomoth, and Brock's Golem.
Props to:
My opponents who were good sports
My dad for taking me there
My dad for lending me a couple of bucks so I could also buy Brock's Golem
My deck
The cards I won
You for reading this  
Charizard Lovers for being the best pokemon website
Slops to:
The store for not having Rocket's Moltres for me to buy(grrrrrrrrr)
The person who copied my deck for whining about how he should have won
Charizard Haters
Feel free to e-mail me at Except hatemail. 
Hatemail goes to Ilikesendingpeoplehatemailcuzi'
I like getting e-mail so send some if u want. I can fix your deck or whatever.
~Justin D.
Totodile-Water type, 50 HP,  1 C energy-leer flip a coin; if heads, opponent cant attack on their next turn
                                                 1 W energy-fury swipes- flip 3 coins; 10 damage x the number of heads
                                                   1 C retreat, G weakness
Croconaw-Water type, evolves from Totodile,70 HP 1C energy-disgusting noise-during your opponents and your next turn,all damage is increased by 20. 2W,1C-Hold Back-30 damage-During your opponents next turn, if this is your active pokemon, the defending pokemon can't be moved out of the active position.  2C retreat,G weakness.