Evolution Fury v1.2

Tom Dewsnap


Sheffield, England

Saturday 26th August 2000

16 turned up

Starstore announced that they would hold a tournament on Saturday, so I decided to try an improved version of my deck, where a few changes have been made to create:

Evolution Fury v 1.2

So here it is then;


1x Dark Dragonite (Good attack with nice Pokemon Power to boot)

2x Dark Dragonair (Awsome Pokemon Power!)

3x Base Dratini

1x Jungle Vaporeon (Quick with good HP)

1x Dark Vaporeon (3 Colourless; 30 damage)

3x Rocket Eevee

1x Venusaur (Good Pokemon Power for my deck, with powerful attack)

1x Ivysaur

2x Bulbasaur

1x Base Charizard (Amazing health and attack)

1x Base Charmeleon

2x Base Charmander



3x Switch (Scoop up doesn’t work in this deck)

3x GOW (In a tough spot? Change the enemy!)

2x Computer Search (Get the card you need with no fuss)

2x Challenge! (Get the basics, or acts like Bill)

2x Goop Gas Attack (Stops annoying Pokemon Powers)

2x SER (Slows down the opponent)

2x Super Potion (Life saver)

2x Bill (Nuff said)



21x Grass Energy

2x DCE


Hmmmm......... I’ve been thinking that maybe I should get rid of the Vaporeons and Eevee’s because they don’t cause much impact. I could put a Lickitung or two in and have more trainers.... Hey, I leave that for Evolution Fury v1.3.

Anyhow, this was a straight knock-out tournament. You lose, you go. Japaneese cards were strictly forbidden and it was £2 to enter. Before the tournament, I felt that my deck was well designed, and was ready for anything. Let’s get on with it!

Round 1

Evolution Fury v1.2 vs Haymaker

I hate Haymakers! I hate Hitmonchans! This kid started with a Hitmonchan out, another one on the bench and a Farfetch’d on the bench. I started out with an Eevee out, nothing on the bench and a Dark Dragonair in my hand. I went first. I drew Dratini, placed it on the bench and attached energy to it. His Hitmonchan knocked out my Eevee so I sent out Dark Dragonair and got the evolutions of Bulbasaur and Charmander. I had to SER and use Super Potion to save Dark Dragonair, but I also managed to get an attack in. Then I evolved Dark Dragonair into Dark Dragonite and used Summon Minions to get Bulbasaur and Charmander to accompany my Eevee on the bench. Once I got the evolutions, I knocked the Hitmonchan and Farfetch’d with Dark Dragonite, which was knocked out by the second Hitmonchans Special Punch. Charizard took down the last two Hitmonchans thanks to Energy Trans and took the victory.

Card of the match: Dark Dragonair


Round 2

Evolution Fury v1.2 vs ? (Wigglytuff, fire)

This was fairly straight forward. I started with Bulbasaur and he started with Jigglypuff. He had nothing on the bench and I had Dratini. I kept on using Leech Seed and then when I knocked out his Jiggly, he sent out Eevee and used Imposter Prof Oaks Revenge, which was a mistake because I got Computer Search and found Dark Dragonair with it. I evolved Bulbasaur into Ivysaur and his Eevee was destroyed by Poison Powder. Way-hey!

Card of the match: Imposter Prof. Oak’s Revenge


Round 3

Evolution Fury v1.2 vs Sponge?

This guy had a deck which was kinda like Sponge, but slightly different. There was no Ditto in there, but Chansey and Lickitung popped up. He started with Mew out, Promo Mewtwo, Lickitung and Chansey on the bench. I started with Eevee out and Dratini on the bench. This was a long battle, and we both nearly decked. My basics (Bulbasaur especially) held off his Pokemon as I waited patiently for Dark Dragonair or Computer Search. This guy had 3 prizes left and I had 6 when I got Dark Dragonair. I evolved Bulba into Ivysaur, but Venusaur was a prize ‘cause it wasn’t in the deck, and Charizard was useless because Charmeleon got knocked out earlier in a desperation move. I kept using Poison Powder, SER nad Super Potion for Ivysaur to keep it alive so I could get Venusaur. I used Dark Dragonair against Mew and Mewtwos and I managed to get 2 prizes eventually, but my deck was wearing thin.I switched Dark Dragonair for Ivysaur and evolved it into Dark Dragonite and took down Electabuzz in one go, then took down Promo Mewtwo straight after, and with that prize I got Venusaur! Dark Dragonite got knocked out by Electabuzz so I used Solarbeam to knock it out. I had 1 prize left and he had 2 left and my deck had about 4-5 cards left. He sent out Chansey and luckily Scruch failed twice to give me the victory!

Card of the match: Ivysaur



Evolution Fury v1.2 vs Wildfire

This could have been as tough as the semi-final but it wasn’t, thanks to a great starting hand. This guy had Moltres out and Electabuzz on the bench and I had Dratini out and Bulbasaur on the bench. I also had Dark Dragonair in my hand and Charizard. I went fist and pounded for 10, the he used Wildfire and a Charmander was discarded. Dark Dagonair came in then and after about five turns, got me all the evolutions I needed and evolved it Dark Dragonite, and picked up Bulbasaur and Charmander. Dark Dragonite knocked out Moltres, leaving Electabuzz out, and another Moltres on the bench. Dark Dragonite failed Giant Tail and was knocked out. Venusaur went out and Solarbeamed for 60, but then Electabuzz paralysed Venusaur twice and did 40 with Thunderpunch. I Energy Trans all the enrgy to Charizard ‘cause Venusaur had nearly gone, and Moltres was fully charged. He knocked out venusaur and I sent out Charizard and knocked out Electabuzz. Moltes came out and Dive Bomb worked but I Fire Spinned for the win!

Card of the match: Charizard


For my prize I was given 4 Rocket Boosters, 2 Fossil Boosters, 1 Jungle Booster and a Base Booster. In the packs I got Dark Blastoise, Dark Alakazam, Sneak Attack, Dark Golbat, Fossil Zapdos and Fossil Raichu, Clefable and Item Finder. I got a Lickitung, and a Nightly Garbage Run, but I really need a few more NGR’s to make my deck more effective.

Card of the tournament: Dark Dragonair (you got me through it!!)

If you have any suggestions or questions about this deck, don’t hesitate to give me an E-mail. Now for Props and Slops!

Props to....

.... Me for winning.

.... Starstore for holding the tournament.

.... Dark Dragonair.

Slops to....

.... Starstore for having to hold the tourney in Pepes, the restaurant next door.

.... Starstore, for not having enough damage counters.

.... Pepes, for having ridicuosly small tables

.... Dark Golbat, for being in one of my prize boosters.

Tom Dewsnap
