Plasma Wave 20 (Lightning)
Will Ayers
Comic World
Stafford, Virginia
About 20 people were there
This is my first Killer Deck report so do not send me any
hate mail if you do not like it. I did not get to play many people and I
was not very detailed. So here is my deck!
Pokemon: 17 ( I know that is allot but for some reason it worked out for now)
Rocket's Zapdos x 3 ( main part, R's)
Slowpoke x 3 (fossil because of the first attack)
Slowking x 3 (pokemon power is great)
Jigglypuff x 3
Wigglytuff x 2
Cleffa x 2
Scyther x 1( I know I should play more but it worked out fine)
Trainers: 28
Pluspower x 4
Professor oak x 3
Item finder x 3
Computer search x 3
Super energy removal x 3 (did not help me much during the game)
Energy removal x 3
Rocket's trap x 3 (did not help me much)
Rocket's sneak attack x 2
Gold berry x 2
Nightly garbage run x 2
Gust of wind x 1
Energy cards: 14
Lightning x 7
Double colorless x 4
Recycle x 3
Battle #1
Plasma Wave 20 vs. Megan (water deck)
I started with a jigglypuff and her a totidile. I went
first and drew a double colorless and attacked the double colorless to
jigglypuff and pound for 20. She drew still with no bench and used bubble
with tails on parilization and I drew and used pound for the win because
she had no more bench.
W-1 L-0
Battle #2
Plasma Wave 20 vs.Megan (water deck)
She wanted a rematch so I agreed. I went first and
started with a lone cleffa vs. a squirtle and on her bench was a totidile.
I drew and attached a lightning to cleffa and eeeeeeek. she drew and laid
down another totidile and bubble with no parilization. I used rocket's sneak
attack to get rid of her pluspower and used eeeeeeek again with no bench. She
drew and got to use bubble again but with parilization. I drew and put down a
scyther and attached a recycle to scyther and passed. She drew and used
bubble to KO me. I send up scyther and attack double colorless to scyther
and slash for the KO. She sends up totidile after totidile and I KO them
both for the win with scyther.
W-2 L-0
Battle #3
Plasma Wave 20 vs. ??? colorless/lug deck
I had jigglypuff up against a promo cleffa. he also had
another on the bench and a togepi also. I failed to use pound and he eeks
and then KO two of his cleffas. I have on prize left, and he sends up a
togetic and fails to use super metronome. I evolve to wiggly and do the
wave for the win.
W-3 L-0
Battle #4
Plasma Wave 20 vs.??? Psychic deck (no one seems to have a name for their decks)
I get out scyther (which is hard to believe that I am winning
all these battles with scyther when I have only one in my deck) and slash all
his pokemon for the win.
W-4 L-0
Battle #5
Plasma Wave 20 vs. Shannon (electric/psychic,haymaker deck)
Se has up R's Zapdos vs. my scyther (again) and I slash for a
turn with 40 on me from plasma. she has 4 energies on R's zapdos and kills
my scyther. I then use nightly garbage run to get back scyther and use
super energy removal on R's zapdos with my active pokemon cleffa. I use
computer search for scyther and get it on the bench and build it up. She
retreats R's zapdos for sneasel and does no damage and I retreat for scyther and
KO it. she sends up R's zapdos with no damage on it( different one then before)
and passes. I slash for the next three turns and she did not retreat
because she could not get any energies and I won the game. I am kind of
her rival.
W-5 L-0
Battle #6
Plasma Wave 20 vs. ??? Electric deck
I went first. He had a lone pikachu vs. my lone scyther.
I drew and attached a recycle energy to scyther and passed. He drew and
attached a lightning energy to pika and used gnaw for 10. I drew a
pluspower and laid it down and attached a double colorless and slashed for the
win.(the fastest game I had)
W-6 L-0
Battle #7
Plasma Wave 20 vs. ??? fire,lightning,and water deck(lug was probably in here)
He went first and attached fire to his lone fossil magmar and
used smoke screen on my R's Zapdos. I drew a scyther and laid it down.
I then used plasma for 20 and got heads. He then used smog and got me poisoned.
I drew and attached lightning to scyther and plasma for 20 and passed. He
then k.o.ed me and I sent up scyther and computer searched for a double
colorless and used slash for the win.
W-7 L-0
Battle #8
Plasma Wave 20 vs. ??? psychic deck
We ended up stalling each other and I had scyther up at the
end and used gust of wind for abra and k.o.ed it for the first prize for the
game. We then ran out of time and I won because I drew more prizes.
This kid would not attack but just keep putting up chansey and using scoop up
and scrunch. and you can not forget about the dang pokemon center.
W-8 L-0
for the last kid for stalling the whole game and making us run out of time.
for the guy at the counter for giving away gym challenge for 1 dolor not gym
heroes.( I need another Rocket's trap.
and for my sister for not bringing her deck and having to use a not so good
for all the good sports man like players.
for my good deck
for my friend Shannon for almost beating me.
and for pojo which is the best site.
if you have any questions or comments send them to me at
hope you enjoyed see ya.