Name of Deck: Oh c'mon stop cryin'
Name: Scott Holder
City: St. Charles
State: Missouri
# of people: 12 or 13 (not positive)
3 sneasel
2 murkrow
1 moltres
3 fossil magmar
2 cleffa
11 total
4 dark
4 rainbow
12 fire
2 recycle (i love that card)
22 total
4 removal
4 super removal
2 elm
2 oak
3 computer search
2 sprout
1 ecogym
3 gust
3 fuji (shuffle in my dark, God bless america)
2 nightly
2 energy charge
27 total
Well first round I got a bye which aided me
in wandering around
aimlessly studying and planning for every type of deck. It gave me the
chance to think of exactly what i wanted to do when I got to play.
second round I played a charizard/ninetails
deck. I was shocked when
i saw this deck because it was pretty decent. well i started off with a
cleffa, sneasel, 2 magmar, a charge, a nightly, and a comp. I was really
upset, no energy!!!! he started off with a vulpix and a charmander (team
rocket). I flipped and went first, drew a recycle, thank you!!!!!!! I
eeeeeeeked it up, and got 2 dark, 2 removal, 1 super removal, and 2 fire.
next turn i draw an elm (i'll save that for later), sent out sneasel,
attached a dark and did 30 to his vulpix. He retreated for one and sent
charmander, flame tailed me for 20, watch out now. Next turn I draw a
attached a dark and did beat up for 80......... bye bye charmander. Next
turn i knocked out his vulpix, game one for me.
second game I got a sneasel, 2 dark, a
cleffa, 2 magmar, and an elm.
life was rollin against his 3 charmanders and 2 vulpix with no energy (ha
ha). To make a long story short I knocked out all five of his guys in six
turns. I had to go get him a tissue.
Round three vs a steel deck, (no names
mentioned). I started off
with a cleffa and two magmar. I got up on prizes 6-2, then steelix decided
that he needed contiuous beatings on my poor little guys, and continuous
berries, gold berries, potions just set my guys down flat. in the end Moltres
got powered up spanked steelix for 160 damge ( ha try and prevent that!!!!!!!)
second game was highly upsetting, the guy
didn't let me cut "because i
was going to win anyway"............. wrong!!!!!!!!!!! I drew a
murkrow, an
oak, a removal, a sprout tower, a fire and two darks. he goes first, sets
out onix, attaches a steel, and lasses me. (oh i was close to beating him
right there), I attach a dark and used mean look (watch out now), next turn
he throws out steelix with a dce and takes murkrow.
third game was the same as the first, i go
up on prizes 6-2 then we
ended up tying 2-2 due to the stupid steelix, time got called during his turn
so he got to finish and he takes my magmar with tail crush.
Final four Me, this guy Vince, this guy
Sean, and name not mentioned
Steel deck. we ended up deciding to not play, gather our cash prizes and we
buy a box of base 2 and half a box of fossils (40 dollars total).
Props go to the owner for getting me 13
packs for only a five dollar
entry fee, Vince, Sean, and the fire deck player
Slops easily go to the steel deck player (
If you've got any questions or comments email me at