Confusing aint it?
Josue Rojano
Fan Quest
Yuma, Arizona
March 24, 2001
31 participants

        The tournament was single elimination and the matches were best 2
out of 3.  In this tournament we had to roll 2 eight sided die.  Each number
represented a color. Dark and metal could not be used though. Unfortunately
for me i got stuck with water grass.  In my opinion water is the most
unusable color that there is.  Sure there is blastoise but thats about it,
not to mention that it is highly unusable thanks to rockets zapdos and
electabuzz.  Grass provides scyther and rockets scyther but aside from that
you have nothing.  I was starting to get a little scared because i felt like
i had absolutely no chance at winning the tournament and i had won the 3
previous  tournaments here so i wanted to keep the winning streak going.  I
gave it a shot though and came up with a deck that i really don't consider to
be that good but used both colors to their full potential.

Confusing aint it?


3 Lapras
2 Articuno ( movie promo )
2 Wooper
3 Scyther


10 Water Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy


4 Professor Oak
3 Professor Elm
4 Computer Search
4 Bill
4 Item Finder
3 Gold Berry
3 Scoop Up
3 Gust Of Wind
2 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Sprout Tower
3 Lass

Round 1
me vs Justin w/psychic colorless deck
match 1
This match was long and tedious.  He used Xatu and confused all of my pokemon
until i used my lapras and confused his Xatu into submission.  With sprout
tower up i rendered his clefables useless because they could deal no damage
to my pokemon.
match 2
Once again the match was long and boring.  He tried to use Xatu on me but
everytime that he brought down a natu i would gust of wind it and water gun
it for the KO.  
His cleffa's really helped him out though as they would eeeeeeek and eek and
i would always roll tails.  He put up a good fight but it wasn't enough.

        win: 2 loss:0

Round 2
me vs Cody w/water fire deck
match 1
Cody was using a blastoise, lapras, articuno, neo magmar deck.  I was really
afraid of his blastoise so i just wanted to fight with lapras.  he usually
got out a blastoise but never really had enough energy to attack.  Cody went
through his deck really fast and almost decked out.  At one point he only had
2 prizes left and i still had 4.  So i went into offensive mode water gunning
for 30, slashing for 30, and even diamond dusting for 20.  I took my last
prize right before he decked.
match 2
Cody went first and started off with 2 squirtles and all i had was articuno.  
He attached a dce and shell attacked me for 20.  i then proceeded to computer
search, oak & bill through my deck until i got a scyther with a water energy
on it and a dce in my hand and lass.  with no trainers he just shell attacked
and said go.  Now i started taking advantage of that and powered up a lapras
and a scyther.  But when i was about to ko his last squirtle he pulled an oak
and got out a blastoise and a pretty good bench he ko'ed my scyther and i
activated my lapras. I  went for confuse ray and failed he then ko'ed lapras
with 2 plus power.  After a little while though i got out another lapras and
connected w/ confuse ray.  He foolishly tried to attack and kept on failing.  
He pretty much lost the match after his blastoise fell.  He put up a great
match and deserves many props for having done so well.
        win:4 loss:0

Round 3
me vs Jose Esquerra w/ fighting grass deck
match 1
Jose really got lucky when he rolled those 2 colors and his deck really did
not take advantage of his luck.  To make a long story short Jose energy
removaled and super energy removaled me until almost all of my energies where
in my discard pile.  I then used nightly garbage run a couple of times and
got them all back in.  I dont know why but about 25 minutes into the match
Jose gave up and said that he was going to lose anyways.
match 2
This time i played even more offensively and ko'ed alot of his pokemon really
quick.  Jose wasted alot of his energy trying to retreat after he got
confused.  with only about 3 cards left in his deck he conceded and said that
he had no more energy left.
win:6 loss:0

Round 4 (semifinals)
me vs Noel w/ fire water deck
match 1
Noel was actually playing a moltres deck with a dark gyarados splashed in
there.  He only played 8 basics (4 magmar 4 moltres) and i think that that
really hindered him.  This match was easy all i had to do was confuse moltres
and make his search and item find for his scoop ups.  he was afraid to bring
up his magmars on me so he just fought with the moltres. That was probably
the biggest reason that he lost.
match 2
This match was just as easy as the first.  Everytime that he energy removaled
me or super energy removaled  me i just nightlied 3 energies back into my
win:8 loss:0

Round 5 (finals)
me vs Daniel Chavez w/ a fighting psychic deck
match 1
First of all nobody could believe that a lapras deck had made it that far
including me.  Everyone was rooting for Daniel to win because i had already
won plenty of times. The match was really fun and really exciting.  Daniel
made a great deck and deserved his victory over me.  He was really tossing my
pokémon around special punching my lapras, and psyburning everyone else.  he
had 1 prize to go and i decked out.
match 2
Once again he was psyburning everyone and i couldn't land the confuse ray.  
Whenever i would land it he would just use a full heal energy retreat or
scoop up.  I kept using item finder for the gold berries.  i managed to stall
him out for a long enough time so that he decked out.
match 3
This time i had the advantage as i started out w/ lapras.  But whenever i
would put a water on my lapras he would energy removal me.  I was backed up
into a corner and could not do a thing to stop him.  After a while he started
getting a little crazy and oaked a couple of times to get 2 plus powers to ko
an articuno.  i then decided to just stall him out for 11 turns.  I was doing
pretty good because i would just gow someone w/ no energy and wait.  Whenever
he would retreat and bring his mewtwo back up i would just use my gold berry
and remove my 4 damage counters.  it was an intense match in which Daniel
would take a prize and then i would.  It could have been anybody's but i got
him at the end and decked him out for the second time in a row.
win: 10 loss:1

i dont know how it happenned but a lapras deck won the tournament.

to Diane for hosting the tournament
to Daniel for being such a good sport and almost anihilating me
to almost everyone at the tournament for being really good competitors
to Diane again for giving me a first edition box of neo: genesis for winning

to the 1st ed. box for only having 11 holos and not 12
to Jose for making up so many excuses as to why he lost and why i won
to edgar for doing the same as Jose

Thats about it.  Thanks for reading my long report.

my e-mail address is
Josue Rojano