So Fresh, So Clean v. 2
by Anton Lee
Sacramento, CA
Saturday, March 24, 2001
20 people
Sup everyone. This deck is a lot different from last time.
I kinda like it, but people have a lot of Sprout Towers. That
card really screws this deck up. It's ok, i can get around it
though. Well heres the deck.
Pokemon- 15
4x Jigglypuff
3x Wigglytuff
3x Scyther
3x Magmar (fossil)
1x Magby
1x Cleffa
Energy- 14
6x Fire
4x Recycle Energy
4x Double Colorless
Trainer- 31
4x Computer Search
4x PlusPower
4x Item Finder
3x Professor Oak
3x Super Energy Removal
3x Sneak Attack
3x Erika
2x Gold Berry
2x Eenrgy Removal
2x Rocket's Minefield
1x Lass
Well it's been a while sense i've played Wiggly, because of all
the Sprout Towers being played. But sense nobodies really played
Wigglys either, i thought i should bring them back. This is new, and
you can do a lot more things with wiggly now. U can use recycle
and SER combo. It works really well. Ok, now for the matches.
Round 1
So Fresh, So Clean v. 2 vs. Sponge
This deck was very cool. It was a very strong deck. It had Rocket's
Mewtwo, Rocket's Zapdos, it had a lot of power house poke's. He
kept going, and kept attacking. he stalled a lot with Rocket's Zapdos,
he also had Rocket's Mewtwo all ready on the bench. Then he
had Lt. Surge's Electabuzz. It kept knocking me out. Then i just
removaled all his eneries and he finally ran out of energy's and
couldn't attack.
Round 2
So Fresh, So Clean v. 2 vs Charizard Deck
This guy had recycle energy's and some doubles. He tried to
do big damage with Charizard, but i kept removaling him, and i kept
using sputter to stop him from using energy burn. then he ended up
killing Magby, and then i couldn't recover. So i lost
Round 3
So Fresh, So Clean vs. Haymaker
This wasn't much. I had Jiggly he had Hitmanchan. He added energy
added plus, searched, plus, over.
Round 4
So Fresh, So Clean vs. Venusaur
This deck was anoying. He had a lot of basics and had about 3 venusaurs
going at the same time. He kept energy transing and centering. Then he
hit me with 60. He had Sprout tower out and it looked like another lose.
Then i played Magby and stalled out for a long time. Then i got
Wiggly all ready, played Minefield, and started taking him down.
Round 5
So Fresh, So Clean vs. Water Deck
This deck had Seadra's and Kingdras. This was strange. It wasn't
like the other decks. It had a really no strategy. Just to attack
and attack. But i sneak attacked him, and took his pokemon out with
Wiggly and won.
Round 5
So Fresh, So Clean vs. Weird Damage Swap/Raindance Deck
This deck was really weird and he didn't know how to play it. He also
was kind of new, but he still didn't see all the advantages he had over me.
He didn't play that many trainders. He did some damage with Blastoise,
but i use Gold berry. I did some damage to his Blastoise, but he didn't see
that he could have swapped it to someone else. So i just kept attacking and
taking down his pokes. Then i just knocked out his last poke for the win.
Round 6
So Fresh, So Clean vs. Metal Deck
This thing took out my scythers. but i used SER to get rid of his Metal
Energys. Then i just used Magmar and Magby to take out his Metal pokes,
then finished him off with Wiggly.
Round 7
So Fresh, So Clean vs. Fire Deck
First turn Cleffa with Jiggly on bench vs. Chan. Attach fire to jiggly, pass
Jabbed my cleffa. Then played wiggly, oaked, played magby and magmar,
item oak, 2 scyther, played Double on Jiggly, item oak, add plus. Over.
Well that's all. No Tournament this week.
Props and Slops
Props to...
the people that beat me
Slops to...
Well for any Questions, Comments or anything else.
My e-mail address is