Thunder Zap V4.0 (Electric)
by Bobby Rodriguez
Major Players Tournament Date:2/13/01
Paso, Texas #of particapents:26
This deck has been played at many pokemon league events and has
done an overall great job,but it has only been in one tournament and it got me
to the finals on February 13.(The other person that I competed against had an
extremely good ground type deck which stopped me from gaining the number one
spot.) This is one of my best decks and some of my friends have offered to pay
over $80 for it but I just tell them to make their own from reports such as
this one. Lets get on with it then.
Thunder Zap v4.0
1 Rocket Zapdos(Gym Series)
1 Base Set Zapdos
1 Movie Promo Zapdos
1 Fossil Zados
1 Lv.15 Lt. Surge's Voltorb
1 Lv.12 Lt. Surge's Voltorb
1 Lv.33 Lt. Surge's Electode
2 Lv.12 Lt. Surge's Magnemite
1 Lv.30 Lt. Surge's Magneton
3 Neo Genisis Mareep
2 Neo Genisis Flaffy
2 Neo Genisis Ampharos
3 Base Set Voltorb
1 Base Set Electrode
1 Rocket Dark Electrode
1 Base Set Electabuzz
1 Lv.28 Lt. Surge's Electabuzz
1 Lv.15 Neo Genisis Pikachu
1 Defender
1 Switch
1 New Pokedex
1 Erika
2 Super Energy Removal
1 Energy Retrieval
2 Potion
1 Super Potion
2 Energy Search
1 Professor Oak
22 Electic Energy
One of this deck's focus points is the sharing and retrieval of
energy such as Dark Electode's Energy Bomb and Rocket Zapdos' Plasma. The main
idea is to try to get out a hard hitting pokemon that can get back their
energy like Lt. Surge's Electabuzz and have a pokemon(Lt.Surges Magneton or
Dark Electode) get charged up on the bench that can give it's energy to the
hard hitters like any of the Zapdos' when you get them out. There are also
great basic pokemon that have good attacks that can buy you some time such as
the Pikachu and the base Electabuzz. Another good point in this deck is the
ability to paralyze and attack the bench, but this deck is not perfect so
please e-mail me for any corrections.
1st Match Adrian (psychic)
He used plenty of energy and super energy removals but thanks
to mareep and surge's electabuzz i got most of them back which was a big
problem when he had rocket's mewtwo that needs several turns to charge up
while my Lt. Surge's electabuzz charged up in one turn. He laughed at my Dark
Electode since it had 8 energy cards attached to it while it was on my bench
along with 2 newly placed Zapdos. He knocked out my Electabuzz and I brought
out my Dark Electrode and did energy bomb and placed 4 energy on each of my
zapdos'. With plenty of potions in my hand for the Zapdos the rest was
needless to say a victory.
Match 2 Ashely (water)
She was a beginner with a water deck. What do I have to say
except I had her weakness.
Match 3 Semi-Finals Mark (ground[rock])
This one was a tough one but lucky for me, I got a couple of
Zapdos' out which has no weakness to ground and helped me to another win.
It was very close though because we each had one prize left and I got to it
Match 4 Finals Jordan (ground[rock])
I only had a Pikachu out in the begining which was a
disappointment and I later brought out 2 Electabuzzs which caused my
demise because of the weakness factor and then I had no more pokemon to play.
It was a short painless loss for me.
I hope you can put this deck to use as it can be a very helpful
deck. E- mail me,Bobby Rodriguez, for any comments or upgrade ideas for this
deck at