Bomb Boyz (Haymaker)
by Shannan Ledden
Chimura Cards and Comics
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
about 32 participants
This is my first battle report. I really hope you post
this. I play this deck with my friends alot and so far its 22 -0.
Here it is!
Bomb Boyz
2 Chansey(base)
2 Scyther (jungle)
2 Hitmonchan (base)
1 Brocks Onix
2 Gligar
2 Raichu (fossil)
2 Pikachu (jungle)
2 Electabuzz (base)
1 Rockets Scyther
3 Plus Power
2 Energy Search
2 Professer Oak
2 Bill
1 Blaine's Quiz #3
11 Fighting Energy
11 Lightning Energy
7 Grass Energy
2 Double Colerless Energy
I really like this deck its awsome.
Round 1 vs little kid with Pikachu deck
I started with Scyther benched and Hitmonchan Active. He had a Base
Pikachu active. I sent out Hitmonchan and attached a fighting energy and
jabbed for the win.
Round 2 vs Kid with Raindance
He started with a Wooper active and Base Squirtle
I started with Gligar active and Rocket Scyther bench. He
went first and attached a water energy to Squirtle. I attached a
fighting to Gligar and attacked for 10 and poison. He attached another energy
to Squirtle. I attached a lightning to Gligar and slashed and Wooper
died cause of poison. He sent out Squirtle and Breeded to Blastoise.
He attached an energy and passed. I attached a grass energy to Rocket's
Scyther and slashed with Gligar. He drew a magikarp and passed. I
put a DBC (double colerless energy) to Rocket's Scyther, retreated Gligar and
used Blinding Scythe. He passed again. I used Blinding Scythe and killed
Blastoise. He sent out magikarp. But then he said " You
Round 3 vs kid with Hay
Fast Game thats all i have to say.
Round 4 vs Trap
He had to leave so i got the win. Too Bad i really wanted
to test this on a trap.
Round 5 vs My friend Eric with his Grass/Psy
Really fast i started with Gligar he started with Mr. Mime.
I got first and laid a DCE on Gligar and slashed. He put
a psychic on Mr. Mime. I slashed for the win.
Round 6 vs My friend Dan with Fire Deck.
I started with Rocket Scyther he started with Charmander.
I attached a grass to Rocket Scyther and Shadow Images.
He attached a fire energy and tried to scratch but failed.
I put a DCE on Rocket Scyther. Plus Power and blinding scythe for the
Round 7 vs kid with Over Growth Deck
He started with Magikarp i started with Hitmonchan. Who Will
Win???? easy i just kept jabbing and i won.
Round 8 vs Modified Sabrina Deck
She started with Sabrinas Abra lv 12 on the bench and active. I
started with scyther. it was easy i just kept slashing.
now for the finals.
Finals vs My friend Eric.
I beat him again just about the same thing happened exept he
started with Sabrinas Drowzee.
this time i started with Scyther on bench and Hitmonchan
active. He started with movie promo Pikachu. I just jabbed a
couple times that was it.
I took 1st.
I got 3 Gym Challenge
2 Base
and 10 1st edition Neo
Rares i got
Giovonni's Gyradoes, Misty's Wish, Rocket's Mewtwo, Stellix,
Sneasel, Dark Energy, Dark Energy, Lugia, Meganium, Ecogym, Recycle Energy,
Pokegear, Recycle Energy, Venusaur, Scoop Up, and Computer Search.
props and slops
props to some of those boosters
props to everyone that came
props to the people for not being sore losers
props to the kids for not cheating
props to Pojo if they post this
props to Pojo anyway
no slops for anyone
Shannan Ledden
bye bye now.