Draft Domain
Time: 4/1/01
Place: Timewarp Comics and Games
Cedar Grove, NJ
Style: 2 out of 3 DCI Swiss Draft, 3 Judge System
Hello cyber freaks and freaketts! It was first of the month at Timewarp, which meant Pokémon DCI Draft. Both Jim (fellow judge) and I wanted to play this week, so we decided to go 3 Judge and play. We decided to draft 2 packs of Base 2 and 2 packs of Rocket with the prize pile of 10 packs (4x packs- $12, 1x Pack- $3, donated to prize). Since it was daylight savings time and we hadn’t thought of it, we waited for about a half hour to find no one else would add to the 10 people playing including Jim and I. We started the draft- packs I got didn’t look to great, but my 1st had a Wigglytuff in it. I, of course, had no Jigglypuffs passed to me through the duration of the drafting session… I ended up building a Dark Eevee-lution based deck with some added bonuses. The following rules apply to DCI draft for PKMN for all who don’t know: Deck must contain 40 cards total- no more, no less: You may have more then 4 of each Trainer, Non-basic energy card, o! r Pokémon: You use 1/10 of your dec
Draft Deck-
2x Base 2 Spearow- Fighting resistance is huge in draft, especially since, with the sets we drafted, fighting is a big color. Mirror Move also hurts very much.
2x Rocket Charmander- 20 for 1 Fire Energy. That, in draft, is essential.
3x Rocket Voltorb- Same as Charmander. Voltorb is needed for Electrode, too.
1x Base Electrode- 2 energy, 50 damage, 80 HP, I see no problem there.
1x Rocket Magnemite- Splash card. 20 for 1 DCE is good in draft as well.
2x Base Magnemite- Paralysis and a big attack. Better for evolution then attack, though…
1x Dark Magneton- I had a bunch on Magnemite, Magnetic Lines is tremendous with the limited energy in draft. Attach off-color energy to someone who can’t use it. The grass energy on your Exeggcute? Now it goes on Onix! The fighting energy on Rocket Mankey? That goes on Exeggcute!
4x Rocket Eevee- Nothing in the line of attacks- but Rocket supplies me with useful evolutions.
2x Dark Vaporeon- This hurts badly. Mostly for Splash and moral support.
2x Dark Jolteon- Dark horse of the deck. A 20 damage Smokescreen for one energy is hard to pass up without a fight.
2x Dark Flareon- Grass is very popular, especially in draft. This ate up many grass weaklings or just got angry and blew up with Rage.
1x Gust of Wind- This was the only useful trainer that was passed to me.
1x DCE- Only one passed to me. I didn’t really need more, though.
4x Water Energy- Emergency Whirlpools
6x Fire Energy- Fire attacks
6x Electric Energy- Electric attacks
Round 1 vs. Rob- He played a 4-color deck. This didn’t seem humanly possible. He beat me 1st round after winning from apparently nothing (I had him 1 prize remaining to 3, then he won out of nowhere). Next game I was ahead again, then he started winning, only this time I caught him. I called Jim over (since I am not allowed to judge my own matches) and pointed out that he should have 5-fire energy from both using Flamethrower and from my Whirlpools. Jim said it didn’t happen right then and there and I lost because Rob cheated. How does one playing with 4 colors of energy have room for PKMN, Trainers, and enough energy to Flamethrower over and over? He sleeved the energies after discarding. I had taken a course if Magic before, he pulled a simple sleeving act. Jim did not disqualify him later either for cheating in later rounds. He ended up coming in second.
Round 2 vs. Steve T (Jim’s brother)- He played mostly grass with Rocket Drowzee. I blew out 1st game, then lost after a strange 2nd match, then came back in the 3rd with a close game (3 prizes taken to 3)…
Round 3 vs. Jim T- we laughed that no one was judging at the time. The 1st round started his Paras to my Rocket Charmander. I won 1st turn. Second game was close only because Jim forgot his prizes. His PokéCenters started annoying me and he won due to the coin flip with a confused Dark Primeape to my Rocket Charmander. Game 3 was mine, though. Very close (3 to 3 prizes again) until I Raged his Fighters, even the huge Onix! This was the only round I got to use Magnetic Lines.
Round 4 vs. Albano A. - Another grass deck with Psy in it. I just blew it out for 2 rounds using both Mirror Move, Lightning Flash, and Fire attacks. I got one knockout to Peck… and 20 for 1 energy attacks. The least suspenseful match of the whole tourney.
I ended up coming in 3rd, but could have been in 2nd had Rob not cheated in our match. This deck is obviously not very good since it is a draft deck, but is really only good in draft- so please don’t try and fix it.. The tourney lasted 5 hours, so I got paid and left. The tourney was really fun. This was my 1st Pokémon draft and I don’t think I did too badly. Timewarp is the one of the few places in all of the US to hold DCI sanctioned Limited tourneys- I would recommend anyone who would like to try draft or already likes it to come. We hold drafts twice a month (1 on the 1st Sunday, a second during the 3rd Sunday). Visit Timewarp’s web site for any details concerning DCI sanctioned Pokémon tourneys (the only ones in all of New Jersey!) or for PKMN draft @ timewarpcomics.com (note to Scott, Doll, or whoever reads this- I beg of you to allow this one plug) or email me for details since I know more then m! ost of the people who will answer t
Props to-
The Albanos for passing me most of the cards that allowed my deck to come in 3rd
Rocket Voltorb and Charmander
The supposed banned list we are developing for non-sanctioned tourneys expected to be held in summer
Dave for calling out for Pizza
Slops to-
Cheaters (cough*rob*cough)
Kris for sleeping instead of coming to the tourney
Tim for not playing and just sitting around
The party that was scheduled at Timewarp during the tourney
People against Haymakers
People against Farfetch’d
Send questions, comments, concerns, deck help, deck building requests, website address (me) questions, Incubus autographs, letters to God, vitamin money, Farfetch’d cards, questions about Timewarp tourneys, or ANYTHING else, please email me at insomniac_gamer@hotmail.com
I apologise, if what I say burns your ears and stains your eyes? Or did I
crack your sheel? When it falls away you'll see we exist as well.”-Glass;