Gone With The Wind Wind
By: Omar Bouras
Toys 'R' Us
Orlando, Florida
This is my first deck report and I hope you like it. I went to a local card shop that dat thinking there would be a tournament but there wasnt : (, i asked my mom if insted i could go to the poke'mon league at a near by Toys'R' Us, she said yes : ) anyways here it goes
Gone With The Wind
3 scyther(jngl)
2 cleffa(neo)
3 magby(neo)
3 hoppip(neo)
3 jumpluff(neo)
2 murkrow(neo)
2 sneasal(neo)
3 sabrinas venonat(gym1)
3 sabrinas venomoth(gym1)
4 prof. elm(neo)
3 comp. search(base)
2 eko gym(neo)
11 grass energy
5 psychic (sab's veno line-up)
3 dark energy
2 rainbow energy
The main idea of this deck  is to get out pokemon like scyther, sneasel or Jumpluff and beat down your opponent for not much energy(these pokemon in the deck are very energy officient: ) plus if your pokemon take any damge you can just retreat for nothing and bring another fresh pokemon(hense the name Gone With The Wind) the only pokemon in my deck with retreat is sab's venonat but evolve and there goes the retreat. Now back to strategy, if your beat down methodology isnt working then send outsab's venomoth and confuse them and let them beat them selves down and early in the game you just bring out the magby or cleffa and stall for a couple of turns till every 1 else is pumped.
Match 1 me and my freind brandon with wimpy haymaker
First i won the flip  and ended up with magby out and scyther on the bench he had a hitmonchan and a neo electabuzz
i put a energy on scyther and passed he put a energy on electabuzz and passed i drew a prof. elm and used it i put down a sab's venonat,cleffa andmurkrow!!!!!!!! : ) (me so happy) then attached  a dark energy to murkrow and brought him out then mean looked him. On his turn he attached another energy to scyther and passed, i drew a energy and attached it to scyther and passed
he was gettin upset cause he couldnt retreat his chan cause he had no fightin energy hahahahahahahah hed had no switches in is deck and forfited because he already used 3 prof. oaks lookin for pokemon lol and he knew he would get decked.
Match 2 me vs. my friend with venucenter deck
All i remember from this match is he went first got all his combos out and swamped me : (
Match 3 me vs. kid with sponge deck
Iwon the flip and had active a cleffa and a benched scyther (gotta luv it) he had a sab's psyduck and a beched abra ( base wat a idiot?) i attached a energy and and Eeeeeeeked I got a magby 2 dark energy a sneasel , a skiploom and 2 grass energy he went he attached a psychic to abra and passed? (o well) then i drew a prof.elm i benched the sneasel and attached 1 of the dark energy on it i benched the magby too then i retreated and brought out sneasel  and fury swiped for 30 (counting the dark) he went and attached anotherenergy to abra and evolved into kadabra he passed then i drew a card a eko gym i placed it out attached a dark energy to sneasel and beat up him for 60 K.O!!!!!!! picked up a prize (nothing muracules) hten he sent out kadabra attached an energy and attacked me for 20 (resistence ) then it was my turn i merely beat p for the win idid 100 damage and won .
The rest of the day I just traded and had fun riding scooters with my friends around store FUNNN!!!!!!
Props to my mom for taking me
To my friends for actually showing up
To my deck for doing all right
Slops to Toys'R' Us for taking away the scooters after a little while  : (
Thanks for reading send me ideas you think would make my deck better at sstrunks22@go.com
Omar Bouras