Wiggly's Funeral
                                      By Eli Borrelli
                                Saturday March 31,2001
                                      about 10 Battlers

    Hey guys, this is my first Killer Deck Report, and your in luck.I believe
this deck could beat  about  anybodys deck (especially wiggly decks).You
should try my favorite new combo.for neo, Recycle energys with the Super
Removals, and if your wondering the cleffa can really get you the cards you
need when you need them.check it out!

Wiggly's Funeral
1 cleffa(anti trap deck)
4 clefairy(2 neo and 2 basic)
3 clefable
4 hitmonchan
2 ditto
2 Erica's dratini
3 energy removal
3 super removal
4 plus power
3 search
3 oak(consider cleffa a fourth oak)
3 gust
3 scoop up
3 sneak attack
2 rocket's trap
3 narrow gym(sorry wiggly no 60)
8 rock
3 recycle
3 double colorless
    I only had to play three games and i dont remeber 2 of there names.
So here are the matches!!!

First match vrs. Ben Chatham with Evil/Steel/chan/wiggly Deck
    He started with Chan and i had Cleffa.I got to go first so i retreated
cleffa for
a chan then gust out his jiggly attach 2 plus power KO.Some other stuff
happened, i killed another pokemon. Then i had racked up chan and needed gust
 to get out a wiggly on the bench,i got a search.Used for gust  then KOed
his wiggly for the win.

Second match vrs. guy with fire/phychic deck
    This match was easy i killed off 6 abra's and vulpix's in only a few
with chan and clefable.

Finals: Me vrs. some older man with phychic/wiggly deck
    This match took forever since the guy I batteled was extremely hard.
But when i sat down narrow gym it was over.He ended up letting me win,
since I had 1 prize left and he had 5, by sending out damaged mewtwo vrs. my
Clefable KO for the win!!!

props to the prize which was a hand full of different Holos
props to all the battlers for a good fight.
No slops!

Eli Borrelli
<A HREF="Elimon23@cs.com">Elimon23@cs.com</A>