Did the Punch Hurt?
Max Beaumont
Toys R Us
Berwyn, Pennsylvania
March 17, 2001 (Saturday)
Abbout 60 Participants

Alright, time to get sludge punched! If you didn't already guess, this is a
Dark Muk deck, and it includes D. Vileplume and The Rockets Trap, too. Heres
the deck:

Pokemon: (19)
3 Fossil Grimer
3 Dark Muk
4 Rocket Oddish
3 D. Vileplume
3 Scyther
3 Chansey

Energy (15)
11 Grass

Trainers (26)
4 The Rockets Trap
4 Oak
3 Breeders
3 Bill
3 Comp Search
3 Gust Of Wind
2 Scoop Up

19 + 15 +26 = 60

The Tournament was a single eliminatiion.

Match One: Some Annoying kid w/ Deck Destroyer (Sabrina's Mr. Mime plus
Fossil Zapdos????)

Alright, this kid was annoying. He kept on bragging that he was gonna win and
how he could easily destroy my deck. I thought, whichever deck uses Sabrina's
Mr. Mime (the one with magic darts) is going to lose. I won the coin flip and
started with Scyther and a Grimer on the bench. My hand was Oak, TRT, 2
grass, and a Bill. He started with a lone Sabrina's Mr. Mime. I drew a Gust.
I pulled off a first turn TRT, used Bill to get Comp Search and another
grass, used Comp Search and discarded the Gust and a grass to get D. Muk,
evolved Grimer, attached a grass to Muk and passed. He drew, and passed (I
bet he forgot to put in energies). I drew an RSA, used it to get rid of
Energy Flow (not so good without energies), attached another grass to Muk,
retreated Scyther, played Dark Muk and Sludge Punched. The game went downhill
from there, as he ran only Mimes and an occasional Kogas Koffing, and he only
saw about 3 energies the whole game. After I won, he ran off crying to his
mom and she bought him a box of Neo just to make him shut up.


Between Matches 1 and 2: I went around the whole place, trying to find
someone with a Sneasel, but no one was willing to trade. I only have 2
Sneasels and 2 Dark Energies, and I need more to make a deck.

Match Two: Some 30 year old guy with a stupid Haymaker

Ugh, I hate haymakers. Especially ones with F. Magmar. Oh well, time to start
I started with a Chansey, and a Rocket Oddish and a Grimer on the bench. My
hand: 1 DCE, 1 grass, 1 Comp. Search and a Breeder. He started with a Scyther
active and a Hitmo on his bench. He went first. He drew, attached a fighting
to Hitmo, retreated Scyther, RSA'd my COmp. Search, and jabbed. It looked
grim there, but help was on the way... I drew an Oak! I quickly used it,
getting a D. Vileplume, Scyther, D. Muk, breeder, Bill, and 2 grass. Now THAT
was lucky. I evolved Grimer and Oddish, put down Scyther, used Bill to get a
Comp. Search and another grass, attached a grass to D. Muk and passed. He
drew, then Jabbed. I drew a Gust, attached a grass to Chansey, retreated it
and brought out Scyther, then passed. He drew, placed an Electabuzz, attached
an electric to it, then passed. I drew another grass, attached a grass to D.
Muk, retreated Scyther and Brought out Muk, then Sludge Punched. He drew,
then Jabbed. I drew a grass, then Sludge Punched, killing him. He drew,
brought out Electabuzz and thundershocked, no paralysis. I drew a Grimer,
placed it down, then Sludge Punched. He drew, thundershcked for paralysis. I
drew a grass, placed it on Grimer, and passed. He drew, thundershocked, no
paralysis. I drew a D. Muk, evolved Grimer,  attached a grass to it and
Sludge Punched, killing it. The same thing happened to his Scyther, as he saw
no more basics or energy the rest of the game.


Between matches 2-3: bought a few packs of Neo, and got a holo Lugia and
Slowking. I wondered if I should add Slowking to the deck to make it more
Now there were only 16 people left, which is perfect. So I had to face some
kid who, apparently, is really good.

Match Three: Kid with Wiggly Deck

I started out with a lone R. Oddish. Lets just say turn 2 Wiggly + full
bench. Oh well.


Well, even though I didn't win, I still say I did pretty good. Even though
the round 3 loss wasn't spectacular, I was still satisfied with the 2-1
record. Guess I'll just try next week.

Do you know what time it is? Time for some old-fashioned Props and Slops!
To 2 holos out of 3 packs
To D. Muk, for being great (I hope he doesn't create his own archetype)
To Pojo, cause I go there everyday and read lots of cool stuff
For Toys R Us for having the tourney
To me for doing pretty good

To the kid for beating me
To me for losing
To Toys R Us having a $5.00 entry fee
To Toys R Us for having booster paacks for 4.99
To the kids for not trading me a Sneasel

Thanks for reading!

Max Beaumont
Contact me at BEEFER88@aol.com
I don't care if there is hatemail, cause I don't know whats offensive about
this report (unless you play a Sabrina's Mr Mime deck, which I hope you don't)
