Enter the dojo V1.4
                By Kai
                KL Malaysia
                Sunday,April fool's day,2001
                Roughly 30 participants.
Well its my first deck to be submitted to POJO and I look foward to see this deck on the killer reports of April 2001.
This tournament was held at the Carrefour mall and the entrance fee was $3. This was the first time i had ever been to a tournament and i have to admit i was a bit nervous at first, but after a few pranks i pulled on my friend, i was filling in along with all the other players.So far i have tested this deck on a powerful raindance deck and the results were 16-3 to me (Please note that this is a cheap haymaker but with excellent results)however i have never tested it against a pure haymaker until it was too late.... Nevertheless, lets get on with the deck....

Enter the dojo
Hitmochan x2
Machop x3
Jigglypuff x3
Wigglytuff x1
Dratini x3
Dragonair x1
Ditto x1
Spearow x2
Gligar x1
Mukrow x1
Farfetch'd x1
+power x2
Gust of wind x3
E.removal x3
P.Trader x1
Comp.search x1
Scoop up x2
S.potion x2
G.Berry x1
Gambler x3
15 fighting energy
1 full heal energy
3 double colourless energy
Round 1 vs kid with pure haymaker
This game was going well for me right from the start.I got creamed as my pokemon got thrown in 1 after another into the dicard pile by his hitmo's and electabuzzes as i couldn't get out any energy.Finally when i got powered up, he gusted out my jiggly and @#$* Im not saying anything..^C^..
Round2 vs kid with sabrina's WOTC
I started with my lone dratini vs his lone s.drowsee.I relied on the resistance to stall until i managed to get out Mukrow and started killing his bench.I felt sorry for him, so I helped to fix his deck afterward.
Round3 vs my friend(Sabrino)with S.psychic/fighting deck
He was my only friend, there at the league and i had the chance to battle him.)^_^(All i can say is that i creamed him with resistance and turn 3 dragonair)
In between turns:I traded a chansey for a 1st edition Azumaril ; 8 electic energies for a breeder ; and 4 electric energies for a sneasel.
Round4 vs annoying guy with voltorb/zapdos..deck
This guy was the most annoying brat I have ever seen as he kept aying how good he was. He kept telling me that his deck had 24 rares and 4 holos Blahblahblah... I started with a lone dratini(NOOOO!)
luckily he had a lone voltorb. I won the coin flip and started pounding his voltorb while he did tackle while using a potion on voltorb. Next turn, I drew a macop, YESSSSSS!!!!!, retreated dratini low kick voltorb, We came, We saw, we kicked his big Fat stinkin electric butt out of the league!!!Sucker!!!(sorry  just can't help it!!!)
Round5 vs Kid at Round1's older brother(same haymaker)
the last battle of the league, this turn I got creamed just as the first like brother like older brother?!His hitmo kept punching holes through my jigglys............^C^..............
I got the lucky draw!!!@#$% and during the process i got ...........Totodile!!!!!!!@#$%@#$%@#$%@#$%
3@#$% bucks for a @#$% TOTODILE??!!
While i was kissing my ass, my friend got a Brock's Ryhdon!!!!!
On the way out,my mum bought me 2 1st edition boosters for $15 each to cheer me up and i got a jumpluff and an............elekid!!!!!YESSSSSS!!!!!!!YAHOOOOO!!!!!!!
Now for the props and Slops
Props to my mum for:
taking me to the league
buying me two 1st edition boosters
paying the entrance fee
Props to all my contestants except that ANNOYING BRAT!!!!!!
Props to me for beating that Annoying brat A.S.A.P.!!!
Props to all the people i traded with
Props to Pojo if he posts this
Slops to that ANNOYING BRAT!!!!!!@#$%@#$%@#$%@#$
Slops to Pojo if he doesn't post this
Thanx for reading