Here is a new deck I came up with. I was looking at Entei and realized he would be a great card if it wasn't for that dang Bolt Pokemon Power. So, I thought to myself, I can make a great deck around Entei if I can bypass his power, and bygosh, I figured out how. The deck is a nice combo of Energy Denial and some rather nasty tricks that allow Entei to be a very naughty doggy. So, without further interruptions, the Toasted Muk deck:
Toasted Muk:
Pokemon: 20
4 Entei (Pokemon the 3rd Movie Promo)
3 Magmar (Fossil)
3 Blaine's Charmander
4 Grimer (Fossil)
3 Muk
3 Scyther
Trainers: 20
3 Computer Search
2 Professor Oak
3 Gold Berry
2 Cinnabar Island Gym
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Miracleberry
2 Blaine
3 Goop Gas Attack
Energy: 20
18 Fire Energy
2 Recycle Energy
I got a vicious idea for a Blaine's Charmander+First Turn Blaine+ 2nd Turn Recycle Energy. That way I can Kindle away their energy and loose only the Recycle (Which comes back to my hand). Before I go on, I would like to thank PikaOhki (Site: for that idea. After having lost to it, I decided to use it. Then I built the two best "Haymaker" Pokemon of their types in for some support (Magmar and Scyther). Next, I went to the main part of the deck, Entei. I use 4 because they are VERY useful. I can get out Muk really fast with the Comp. Searches and Oaks because it is my only Evolution. With the Muks in play, or a Goop Gas Attack to shut down Bolt, My Entei can really wreak havoc on those bad bench destructions decks. And the Gold and Miracle Berry are in there to Ensure I am running at top speed. The SERs are for the energy denial theme. All in all, the minute I get the Muk/Entei combo out, there is not much to do but hope for Water Pokemon. So, I will give how the matches I played went.
Round 1 vs the Classic Haymaker
Well, I saw the old haymaker with Wiggly, Hitmonchan, and Scyther. I began to
laugh. The opponent looked at me like I had gone crazy, but he didn't know why I
laughed. I got what I consider, the Best possible setup. My hand (after his
Entei, Entei, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Grimer, Muk, Magmar. AS we flipped the
coin, I called heads and won first turn. I started off by placing Magmar as
active and Grimer on the bench, consealing my Entei. I drew another Fire Energy,
so I placed it down on Magmar and Smokescreened his Scyther for 20. He goes and
retreats Scyther for another Scyther adds the Grass and uses Swords Dance. My
turn, another Fire. So I put down Entei and slap a Fire energy on him. He
laughs, "Ha. One jab and a lucky coin flip and Entei runs away!" He
neglected to notice the Grimer on my bench, thinking I was just another new
player. Well, I Smokescreen again and let him go. He picks up, puts down the
ever-so-predictable DCE, retreats the Powered Scyther and switches back. He adds
a Plus Power and says, "Knock Out." AS I stopped him from drawing his
prize, he said, "What are you doing?" I said, not only does
smokescreen go away, but so does Swords Dance. I whip out my trusty Palm Pilot
and show him the DCI ruling on stats effects. He puts the fourty damage on and
utters, "Go." To make a long story short, I powered up Entei fully,
evolved to Muk, and Protective Flamed him to a perfect victory!
Round 2 vs Electric deck
This is you run of the mill crappy Electabuzz deck. A few turns and 3 Pokemon
later, I was getting my 2 stamps of victory.
Round 3 vs The Rain Dance
This deck gave my Entei some problems because I couldn't get Muk out in time to
stop the Raging rains. I am, without a doubt, one of, if not the, best Rain
Dance player in the state of CT. I am so tired of seeing the stupid copies of my
deck. They always have too many of this, or not enough of that, but this one was
not that bad. I was facing a turn 2 Blastoise with 3 Muk and an Oak in my hand
but no Grimer in sight. This is the one time I am GLAD that Bolt was on. I was
able to survive 3 devastating Blizzard attacks, loosing only one Entei. After my
opponent killed off 2 more of my Pokemon, It was late in the game and I still
didn't Oak. Finally though, I got the Blaine's Charmander, Recycle Energy,
Kindle trick going with some VERY helpful SERs. I took out the Energy like
nobodys busisness and before the annoying Feraligatr could Riptide the enrgy
back, I got the Muk out and shut it down. From thence, I procedded to Protective
flame the deck down to a very close match where I won by one prize. A good
match, but a little too close for comfort. (Oh, and just to let you know, ALL of
my Grimer were Prizes! :( )
Semi-finals vs Grass
You would think I would have the upper hand, but I din't! I started off with
Scyther and soon was at the mercy of Berry Wielding Bellossoms (another one of
my deck ideas). So, I tried to get the Entei or at least Magmar out as soon as
possible. After taking 4 turns of 120 damage Flower Dance attacks, I was pretty
depressed when low and behold, I got out the Magmar, and the Entei were right
behind. After my opponent drew 5 prizes, he thought he had the game in the bag,
but when Muk came into play, My Entei finished him off Fast.
A prteey Boring league day, but I found out my deck works and I plan to use it during the next tournament at Sarges Comics!
Props and Slops
Props to everyone who played my deck and to my site Unwon's Hidden Dungeon (
which I am in the process of updationg!
Thanks for Reading!!
Rick Wonder