Diamond of Death(psychic)
by Joey Arnold
Magic Works
Ontario, California
Saturday, April 7th, 2001
about 15 particapants
This is my first time ever posting a deck but ive been using it ever since
"Neo" series came out, and introduced me to ecogym trainer. Forget all
chit chat heres my deck.
Diamond of Death
2x (Base) Mewtwo
2x Rockets Mewtwo
2x Mew (Promo8)
1x Aerodactyl
1x ecogym
3x computer search
4x potion
1x Mysterious fossil
3x Gambler
4x ER
1x Gold berry
1x Rockets sneak attack
1x plus power
2x Item Finder
30x Psychic energy
This is the deck of my dreams i've never lost with and i hope it stays
way primarily got the idea from one the other reports it was called "the
Mewtwo deck" and it did great from what i read"except i put more cards
in it.
so like i said i'm undeafeated and am going to brag.
Round 1 me vs. jake with Sycther/Hitmonchan/Electabuzz haymaker
they chose 8 people for the tournement and i happened to one of them,
i got a hand of 1x Mew 1xMewtwo 1xcomp search and four energies i won the
flip and drew an energy placed it on Mew and all he had was a rockets scyther
i passed he attached a DCE to Rockets Scyther and passed i drew a ER and
removed DCE and attached an energy to mewtwo he put on a grass and did
shadow images i used comp search for ecogym retreated for Mewtwo and attached
an energy to him and eventuallly won because of barrier 1-0
Round 2 v.s my cousin jason (Grass)
this went by too quick all i had was Rockets mewtwo and he had was a Nidoran
he won the flip and used horn hazard and got heads i attached an enegry to
mewtwo and used juxtaposehe failed with horn hazard and i used hypnoblast for
the win!
Finals v.s ???? with (Neo water Deck)
i had a mewtwo,ecogym, and energies he had a mantine i won the flip and
attached energy to mewtwo he did the same to mantine and i drew an ER and
placed energy and used ecogym and used barrier until he decked himself
because he used too many bills so i won three theme decks of my choice and a
cool porygon promo
this was my second tournament at that place and now my streak is 9-0 :-)
props and slops
props for my cousin doing a good job
props for Diamond of Death for being unbeatable
slops to myself for being too proud
slops for My cousin's little brother's charizard for getting stolen
Thanks for reading!
Joey Arnold
PsychoX868@aol.com if you have any tips
for my deck