Neo-ized Thunderpunch (Fighting/Electric)
by Steve Guthrie
Friday, March 16th, 2001
Toys R' Us
Woodbury, Minnesota
Roughly 15 total participants
Well, so far this deck is
undefeated, and it's doing very well against all of its opponents. I
brought it to the league for the second time. Before the league, the
deck's record was 11-0 Anyway, here is the deck.
Neo-ized Thunderpunch
2 Chansey
4 Cleffa
3 Gligar
4 Hitmonchan
4 Electabuzz
4 Bill
4 Energy Removal
3 Gold Berry
3 Gust Of Wind
2 Professor Elm
2 Professor Oak
2 Rocket's Sneak Attack
4 Super Energy Removal
2 The Rocket's Trap
4 Double Colorless Energy
3 Recycle Energy
5 Fighting Energy
5 Electric Energy
The main theme of this deck is
to Energy Removal and Super Energy Removal, leaving your opponent with low to
no Energy to work with. Recycle Energy works well with Super as well.
Some people call this deck a "Haymaker", but it's NOT a Hay, and I
don't like using plain Hays, since if you ask me, Scyther is no better than
base Gastly! It can't even do damage on turn one! Anyway, back to
the deck. 'Chan takes out Wiggly, Buzz takes out Blastoise, and Gligar
works great, being able to Slash on turn one. Before Neo, Squirtle
woud've occupied this spot (Team Rocket Squirtle, that is). Well, onto
the league.
First battle vs kid w/ Blaine's Arc/'Zard
Although I went first, I had a
terrible hand. I had 3 Electric Energy, 2 'Chan, and 2 Oaks. I
started w/ Chan (of course), and benched the other one. He had only 1
basic, a Blaine's Moltres. Arrrggghhh! Fighting resistance!
I drew . . . ELM! I played Gold Berry on Chan and then used Prof. Elm to
draw Cleffa, 2 Removal, 1 Super Removal, E'Buzz, Fighting Energy, and a DCE.
I attach fighting to Cleffa and pass. He lays a fire on B's Moltres and
passes. I draw Gligar, bench it, and removal the fire from his Moltres,
attach DCE to Chan, retreat for Cleffa, and use Eeeeeeek for 2 Recycle Energy,
E'Buzz, Super, RSA, and Elm. He benches base Charmander, lays fire on
B's Moltres, and says pass. I draw Bill, play it for electric energy and
Rocket's Trap. I play, RSA to shuffle in his Super Retrieval, play Trap,
and get . . . TAILS! Arrrrgghhh! Oh, well, I layed electric on
E'Buzz, and for the rest of the game, just let my single E'Buzz blow away his
Second battle vs kid w/ Mega-Scyther/Scizor
(Translation for Scizor)
Energy Key
S = Steel
C = Colorless
R = Fire
G = Grass
Stage 1 - Evolves from Scyther
S False Swipe
Put an amount of damage counters on the Defending
Pokemon equal to half of its max HP (rounded down the the nearest 10).
CCC Double Scratch 20+
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage
plus 20 more damage for each heads.
Weakness: R
Resistance: G -30
Retreat Cost: CC
This one didn't last long.
I went first w/ E'Buzz to his Scy. I laid a lightning, and used
Thundershock for 10 and paralysis. Next turn, he lays Steel on Scy and
says pass. I lay recycle energy on Buzz and Thunderpunch w/ heads for 30
(Steel Energy). Next turn, he evolves Scy to Scizor (yikes!), attaches
grass to it, and does False Swipe for 30. I lay Chan on the bench and
Thunderpunch w/ heads again (whew, that was close!). He lays a grass on
Scizor, does Double Scratch w/ tails, dramatic second flip . . . TAILS!
Buzz has 20 left. Next turn I Thunderpunch w/ heads for the KO.
Now, may I please say, Jungle Scyther is really bad, and Neo: Discovery's
Scizor is really good. Plus, Neo Discovery will release a more playably
Scyther for grass decks.
I traded lots too.
Props and Slops
Props to my deck for now being 13-0
Props to a Neo pack I bought for having Meganium
(Wild Growth)
Slops to a Gym pack I bought for having non-holo
Thanks for reading!
-Steve Guthrie