The Intimadater(Grass/Dark)
By Alex Wallace
Toys R Us
Saturday,March 17,2001
This is my second time writing a KDR to pojo,the
last one I wrote was in February,it was Ice Men.Since then i've changed it,a
lot.Instead of water I use Grass.Well any ways here is my deck.
Pokemon 20
2xGiovanni's Nidoran(male)
2xGiovanni's Nidorino
1xGiovanni's Nidoking
2xKoga's Weedle
2xKoga's Kakuna
2xKoga's Beedrill
2xDark Muk
3xGold Berry
3xComp Search
2xProf Oak
2xSuper Scoop Ups
2xEnergy Charge
1xPokemon Trader
Energy 21
1xRecycle Energy
The strategy of this deck is to poison the
opponent first with Dark Muk or Koga's Beedrill and then bring out the big
hitters like Sneasel or Giovanni's Nidoking.I only played in one session, I
traded in the other,I only got to play three battles.
Match 1 Me vsGrass Deck
I had Nidoran,Sneasel,andKg'sWeedle and he had
TRZubat and a TR Ekans,I went first.I attached an energy to Nidoran,Gold Berry
to Sneasel and used double kick for 20.He attached energy to zubat and used
ram.I drew attached Dark energy to Sneasel,used Retaliation and got a prize.He
brought out Ekans attached an enrgy and used bite.I attached another Denergy
to Sneasel,brought him out,used Beat Up and won.
Match 2 Me vs Fighting Deck
I had both Nidorans he had a Brocks Onix and two
Machops,I went first.I drew attached an energy to Nidoran and Comp searched
for a Gold Berry,then Double Kicked for 20.He attached and used Bellow,he
failed.I attached and Double Kicked for 20.He attached and Bellowed but
failed.I attached,evolved and killed him,got a prize.He attached and Low
Kicked for 20.I attached,used Prof Oak put down Sneasel and weedle,evolved,
used Tumbling Attack fainted him and drew a prize.He attached and did 20.I
used the Gold Berry,attached a Dark Energy to Nidoking and K.Oed Machop.
Match 3 Me vs Fire Deck
I had a Nidoran and 2 Sneasels,he had a Snubbull
and Magmar,I went first.Drew,attached Dark energy toSneasel and Fury Swiped
for 30.He attached used roar and failed.I picked up another Sneasel,attached
Dark energy and knocked out Snubbull.He got another Magmar attached DCE
and used Tail Snap.I attached energy to Nidoran used Trader for Nidorino and
did Beat Up for 60.He attached energy to other Magmar and did Tail Snap.I
attached energy to Nidoran evolved him and Comp searched for
Nidoking,then knocked out Magmar.He attached another fire energy to Magmar and
knocked out Sneasel.I attached another energy to Nidorinoevolved him into
Nidoking and used Intimidate.He attached energy and passed.I attached energy
and Gold Berry and fainted Magmar.
to the gym leader
the person who posted this
to Sneasel
to people that cant flip coins!
Alex Wallace
walmont@bellsouth .net