Firey Singe
By Zach Smith
G&G's Sports Cards
San Fransico, Califorina
Saturday, March 17, 2001
About 30 people
    I made this deck becasue with the Meganium that has that great Poke'mon power (for each leaf energy attached it counts a 2) a fire deck would be good.  Fast was also important with the Haymaker decks around.  The rules of the tourney were simple No Proxies, or Japenese Cards, and Double Elimination.
Now to the deck:
Firey Singe
1 Movie Promo Moltres lv.33(resitence is good and 60 aint bad)
1 Gym Heros Moltres lv.26(preety good poke'mon power and attack with resiitnce)
3 Neo Cyndaquils lv.21(I tink its better than the other one with more HP and its mainly for evoulition)
2 Neo Quilavas lv.35(I think its better than the other with smokescreen and char)
1 Neo Typhlosion lv.57(I just put this in their to fill up space but it worked realy well)
4 Fossil Magmars lv.31(These are fast attackers, high HP and poisons great, good card)
1 Neo Elekid lv.6(Water can hurt this deck so Elekid sits on the bench and does double damage, great while powering up Moltres' and Typholison)
1 Jungle Scyther lv.25(It may just be one but with Feraligator decks out there you can't be to safe)
3 Pluspowers(10 damage can save a turn of attacking)
1 Gust of Wind(Good to pick on weaklings)
3 Gold Berrys(40 damge, better than a potion)
1 Switch(Have to save the energy)
2 Sprout Towers(Colorless Poke'mon don't do much more than 30 damge this stops them well)
4 Energy Removals(HE, HE...)
3 Super Energy Removals(It's worth the energy while I lose 1 they lose 2)
2 Professer Elms(I think better than Oak so you don't deck yourself and you still get 7 cards)
2 Poke'mon Traders(To get what I need when I need it.)
25 Fire Energies
Now the games:
Round 1 Me v Shaun
I knew he had water and hoped for scyther and elekid. I drew my hand and got 1 Enery Removal, 5 Fire Energies, and Magmar.  I got to go First and all he had was Neo Horsea.  I attached a fir energy and did smokescreen.  He attached a water energy to horsea and was done.  I drew another fire energy and attached it to Magmar.  I energy removaled adn did smog...tails he was not poisened and still alive. He then Evoled into Neo Seadra and attached an energy.  He did bubble and I wasn't Paralyzed. I drew my card for another fire energy.  I then did Smog and he was Poisend.  He drew and attached a water enrgy to Seadra and evolved into Kingdra. then he siad i could go.  I drew another Fire Enery(bad shuffle).  I then did Smog and he was Poisend - game.
Round 2 Me v Brad
I forget a lot of this game it was very long but I remeber higlights.  Brad had a Scyther, Elactabuzz, Magmar deck.  I had to use all four of my magmars agianst him.  I was doing great in the begining but then he drew a lot fo elactabuzzs and my magmars couldnt stop him anymore.  I had to have a new plan so i used poke'mon traders in my had and within 3 turns I had a Typhloison.  The bad thing was brad had 1 prize card left and I had 2. There was still 1 more bad thing using typhlosion poke'mon power fire boost i got tail and dint get the 4 energies.  I had 2 magmars left with 50 adn 20 damge on them.  Brad also had a torous that was powered up.  I sent up a Cyndaquil and gusted for Scyther that had 60 on it.  I did fireworks and got heads.  Now scyther was dead and we were at 1 prize card left.  Brad sent up Tauros and went he attacked cyndaquil for 20 and then I went.  What I drew probably saved me it was a sprout tower and now tauros was worthless.  By this time Typholison was powered up.  I retreated Cyndiquil and sent up Typhlosion.  I was goin to kill brad for game but i noticed magmar had 20 HP left and fire wheel would kill him with Brads Poke'mon and their would be sudden death.  I looked for another way to win and i noticed brad had one card left to draw.  I could stall him out! I said go making sure there was no way he could kill typhlosion.  He didnt have a gust and I won!
Final Me v Renae
I had watched Renae play while I was waiting to play somone and knew what the deck was.  Renae had beaten the kid that always won first in prevous tournaments and then played her brother who  is also pretty good.  Her deck was Neo Magmar, Neo Elactabuzz, Base Hitmonchan, and Jungle Syther.  There was no weakness excet Syther so I just hoped I got Magmar.  I did and she got almost no energies so with energy removal I just took them out.  One Magmar died but Typhloison took his place with 11 energies and got the rest of the prizes.  Game Over. I Won!
3-0 Final
I won $8... not bad
Props and Slops
Props to Rich at G&G's for doing the tournament
Props to everyone else that played me good game
No Slops really
Zach Smith