Electric Friend (lightning)
By Matt Broggi
The Warroom
Atlanta Georgia
Friday, March 16
Around 10 people
Hi all, this is my first Report ever, so i want to make it good.
I Attended the warroom's all gaming weekend and used this
Well here it is:
4x Jigglytuff
3x Wigglytuff
3x Electabuzz
2x Scyther
2x Rocket's Zapdos
4x Computer search
3x Bill
3x Professor oak
4x Pluspower
3x Itemfinder
3x Gust if wind
3x gold berry
3x Energy removal
3x super energy removal
2x Nightly Garbage Run
11x Lightning energy
4x DCE
Match 1: Me against Jason with ?
This deck was weird, but it when very slow. He kept
stalling with
Gastly (fossil) and then finally got tails, and i plowed right through his
remaining pokes
Match 2: Me against Bobby with Magmar/Wiggly
Ok, he is a good player, but he got an unlucky
hand of scyther and
magmar, i had a scyther out and a zap and jiggly on the bench.
i had an oak in my opening hand, so i oaked and got wiggly, which just
Mowed over magmar and scyther * the next card after i koed him, was an oak
:-( lolol
finals: me against Kirk Gibson
Kirk Gibson is one of the best players, i would say in the
He is ranked 3 in my state, me 7. so i got an ok hand, and by the look of
hjis face, he got a bad hand. i started with Zap and he started with
sneasel. i billed and got a comp search and an oak. i computer searched for
Jiggly and hit him for 20. he drew, and RSA my oak, BLAH. he got going
playing bill then oak. but no more basic, only Sneasel. he attached gold
berry, and placed dark energy and hit me for 20.
i drew a bill and got back my oak and oaked. evoled jiggly and place
electabuzz. i placede an energy on wiggly, but didnt attack
he drew and hit me for 20. i used gold berry. i placed a DCE one Wiggly and
pased. He was worried and drew a lass and took only away a pluspower. he hit
me for 40! i drew a scyther and placed it down and my bench was enough to
kill him. i put an energy on Zap and koed his lone sneasel * he had
a bad
hand, sorry Kirk*
well i won the tourney, and got 3 Neo packs, for
people who want to
know, i got a 1st edition Lugia,magenium, and metal energy.
Props and Slops
props to Kirk, for playiong a good game
Slops to the warroom for not having enough prizes
- Matt Broggi poke_master41@hotmail.com