Skarmory's Revenge
                                        by Scott Arko
                           Brooklyn Sportscards Shop
                                       Cleveland,  Ohio
                                     Thursday, March 22
                                  Roughly 20 participants
Ok, I've heard a lot of bad comments about Skarmory. And I felt I should change that. I believe he deserve's some respect. I built this deck to prove his power. And you know what? I accomplished that by coming in first place. I played 6 matches.
4 Skarmory
2 Lt. Surge's Spearow Lv.17
2 Rocket's Mewtwo
4 Gligar
4 Double Colorless
4 Metal Energy
8 Psychic
4 Professor Oak
4 Erika
4 Bill's Transport Machine
4 Pluspower
4 Gust of Wind
2 Sabrina's Gaze
2 Energy Flow
4 Computer Search
4 Ecogym
The deck performed very well, claiming no losses(besides for games within the match). Lt. Surge's Spearow has proved to be deathly efficient, allowing me to hit for 40 turn one, with free retreat for a stronger attacker. Rocket's Mewtwo was used for a late game attacker, allowing for strong comebacks.
The tournament was double elimination. The matches went 2 out of 3.
Match 1 vs. Matt with Sabrina's Alakazam deck
Matt is kind of a newbie, and I helped him out after the tournie.
Game 1
This was really fast. He started out with a lone Sabrina's Abra with 40hp. I started with Lt.s Surge's Spearow with Skarmory on the bench. I went first, drew a Double Colorless, attached it to my bird, and attacked with Razor Wind, claiming a first turn win.
Game 2
This was harder. I started with a lone Gligar and him a Girafarig. He went first, dropped a Sabrina's Abra on the bench, used a Bill. At that point his eyes went wide. He attached a Psychic to his S. Abra and passed. I drew, played the Skarmory i drew to my bench, used Bill's Transport Machine, got a heads. I attached a Double Colorless to my Gligar and attacked for 20. He attached a Psychic to his S. Abra, played a Pokemon Breeder(slap self in head) and dropped down his Zam. He played another Girafarig to the bench and passed his turn.
I then attached a Steel to my Skarmory, used the Rocket's Mewtwo I drew, played two Pluspowers from the Transport Machine, and claimed my prize-a Psychic Energy. He promoted his Alakazam, played a Berry, and attached a Psychic Energy. He used Psylink to use Agility, getting a tails. I drew, played a Double Colorless on Skarmory, retreated Gligar, promoted my metal bird, and attacked with Steel Wing with a heads! He drew, played a Psychic, dropped Promo Mewtwo on the bench, and attacked for thirty with Mega Burn.
I drew an Oak, and because I only had two Pluspowers and a BTM in my hand, I used the Pluspowers and Oaked, getting four Psychic(YES!) and a couple of Gusts.I attached a Psychic to Mewtwo, attacked with my Skarmory, dealing 50 and getting tails. I drew my prize. He sent in his Mewtwo, which used Energy Absorbtion. I attached a Psychic to Mewtwo. Fast Forward- I power up Mewtwo, Skarmory gets killed by Girafarig, Mewtwo kills the Girafarig.
Match 2 vs. Mike with Mega Meganium
This was definitely one of my hardest matches.
Game 1
He starts with Heracross, Chikorita on the bench. I start with a lone Rocket's Mewtwo(Errrr....)He goes first, ataches a Grass to Heracross and says go. I use Erika, and draw a saving grace in another Rocket's Mewtwo. I attach an energy to my benched one, then I pass. He Breeds his Chikorita to the Wild Growth Meganium, attaches a grass to Heracross, and attacks with a heads for 60. I draw, play a Psychic on the active Mewtwo, and use Juxtapose. Lady Luck was with me, and I got heads, knocking out the Heracross. He promotes Meganium, attaches a grass, benches a Rocket Scyther and passes. I draw and attach a Psychic to my benched Mewtwo, then I pass. He attaches a Grass to Meganium, then attacks for 40. I wake up, then draw and play another Psychic to my benched mewtwo. Fast forward: I kill the Meganium with Pluspowers, then kill the opposing Scyther with no problem.  
Game 2
I get out Lt. Surge's Spearow and pound him into mush by killing his only Spinirak.
Match 3 vs. Bob with Feraligatr's Downpour
Game 1
Multiple Skarmorys easily defeat his Mantines and Totodiles with Pluspowers. Don't want to get into the details.
Game 2
To make a long story short, he gets Feraligatr out turn 3 and pounds my single Gligar into mush.
Game 3
This was a long game. Mewtwo and Articuno seemed like it wwould be a good matchup, but then i pulled a Pluspower. We spent the first 4 turns powering up our big cost basics, and he used defenders against my Hypnoblasts.
Match 4 vs. Danny with Lugia's Assault
Was eliminated from the tourney for having Japanese neo 3 Lugias in his deck.
Match 5 vs. Tony with Dark Zapdos
Game 1
I try to keep up, but fall to Sneasel on second turn.
Game 2
Skarmory comes out and beats down his Rocket Scyther, much like he beatdown me with Sneasel.
Game 3
This game was cool. I get out Lt. Surge's Spearow with 2 Skarmorys on the bench vs. his Erika's Jiggly with Sneasel on the bench. I deal 40 to Jiggly and get killed with a Pluspower. I send out Skarmory with a Metal and get a heads on Claw. He promotes Sneasel, Oaks, and gets a full bench. This part here was amazing. He gets all tails on Beat Up. I draw, play Double Colorless, BTM, and attack with Steel Wing. Suddenly, Hs grandmother comes and drags him out by the ear!
Final Match vs. Chris with Haymaker
The match was one game.
Game 1
I prayed for Skarmory, to no avail. I play a LT.s Surge's Spearow and a Rocket's Mewtwo. She plays a Hitmonchan(PHEW). I go first, Search for an Oak, and get three Pluspowers. I play them all, and get a heads for the win.
Well, the tourney was awesome and so was the prize. I got a box of Neo, which I am going to use to run a draft tournament.
Props to me for winning the tournament
To my opponents for being good sports.
To the store for the great tournament.
To Pojo, for being the best site around! 
Slops to me for winning cheaply sometimes
Slops to my stupid Eevee on Gold and Silver. Darn thing won't evolve into Espeon!
Suggestions, Bashings, or if you want to chat
Scott Arko, signing out
Apprentice Name, for those Magic players- Tsabo