Wave Rider
Portland Oregon

This was a touney held at a card shop, about 12 people attended of those I
think I played 7, as most of them were little kids who got sad in the first
round when they played a Tentacruel deck against the Tourney master, who used
Jolteons.  It happened only a few months ago, but I only got around to
writing about it now.

Here goes:
Wave Rider
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Scyther
4 Spearow
3 Fearow

4 Potion
4 Full Heal
9 Grass

4 Bill
3 Oak
1 Gambler
4 Energy Removal
4 Gust of Wind
4 PlusPower
2 Computer Search

If it pleases the readers, I am not going into too much detail on all of the
rounds, only the ones that really were something.  Again, most of this was
little kids that use modified Ericka and Blaine decks, and details would
consist of me excessively repeating "I womped his this, and then I womped his
that".  The way they do Tourneys here is by games, each game consists of 3
rounds, to give a fair game, as even the best deck draws a really bad hand
sometimes.  The prize here was a few packs of your choosing, usually 1 first
ed Gym series.  

Game 1 Wave Rider Versus Dude with Hitmonchan Deck
I hate this deck, it was alway one of the worst to play against, and when it
really got good it was the downfall of many of my better decks.  Fortunately,
when I played him here, the deck was as yet in early stages.   The hardest
thing here is the Super Energy Removal, he always played them against my
Wiggly, and got rid of the DCE and whatever other Energy I had on me as well.
 The Hitmonchan almost seemed a secondary problem next to this.  I won the
first game becuase he couldn't find any energy, and his deck must have been
poorly shuffled, becuase even when he found an Oak, he still couldn't get
any.  The second game was his due to my not being able to find a Jigglypuff
to play, he beat down my Spearows with a Brocks Lickitung.  On the third
game, I got off to a slow start, and had to Oak like mad to catch up, I did
of course, and won with 1 card left in my deck.
ScooterX 1, Eds Cards nothing.

Game 2 Wave Rider versus Annoying Psychic deck.
This guy has had a deck as long as I can remember, and it gets better every
time I see it, but it will never be perfect.  On the first game, he actually
won.  He played a Chaos gym against me and it was a long and manipulative
game.  In the end, I was desperate to get rid of his Sabrina's Alakazam, and
I succesfully Oaked, leaving me with about 2 cards in my deck.  I ran out of
course, why I did that I will never know, I suppose that's the thing with Psy
decks.  The second game and the third game were both the same, I came back
with a thirst for blood, both times bringing a wiggly out to scrap up his
Gengars and Kazams, leaving him desperately trying to paralyze me with
ScooterX 2, Eds Cards nothing.

Game 3 Wave Rider versus Fire deck with Clefables
This is one of those decks when you know it should be great, but can never
figure out how to make it.  He has used so many different Pokemon, from Dark
Charizards to Ninetails to Togetics, that I can never really figure it out.  
The first game was awesome, all of them were, I had really figured out how to
play my deck, and began with a Scyther.  I was frightened at first, but all
he had were Togapis, and a lone Vulpix, so I Swords Danced, and on the next
turn layed a double colorless and Gusted the Vulpix.  He only played two Oaks
in his deck at the time (?), so he didn't get anything else, and I won.  The
second game he got all his Fire beasties, and luck for me, he doesn't use
gusts (?!).  It worked though, as kept his Ninetails under control with
Energy Removals, and layed the Smackdown with a Wiggly.
ScooterX 3, Eds Cards nothing.

Game 4, Wave Rider versus Scyther Magmar deck.
This was it, my most feared game.  This guy was my friend Dave.  He is one of
the best Pokemon Players I have ever encountered, and commonly beats me,
unless I have a really killer deck.  The game started with his Blaines
Kangaskhan, and my Spearow.  I quickly got that evolved to Fearow, and
luckily, had a lot of DCE cards.  He removed one of them, but by that time I
had plowed through his Kangaskhan (he did NOT have any DCE cards), and he was
hanging on with Mistys Poliwags.  Needless to say I won thanks to Full Heal
Energy.  Game two found me with a poor hand.  He had all his Energy Removals,
and kept my Pokemon at bay, until he brought out a Mistys Poliwhirl, and ate
through my entire army.  The third game was tense, at the end we each had
about 3 cards left in our deck.  The game had been back and forth from the
start, and it found me trying to stay alive with a Fearow, and a few heavily
damaged Scythers and Jigglypuffs on my bench.  I'd been working on his Magmar
for a bit now, and could have rocked it next turn, however, he benched it and
brought out a Mistys Poliwag, and put me to sleep.  Luckily, I attached a
Full Heal (beginning to see the worth of that card).  I drew a Computer
Search, this was my chance.  I had 3 Gusts in the discard, and 1 prize left.  
I searched, and at the bottom of my deck, I found the last Gust.
ScooterX 4, Eds Cards nothing.

Game 5, Wave Rider versus Little kid with Colorless deck.
This was one of those games where it all blurred together, I know I swept
him.  He knew how to play only by the marginal rules, and consistantly made
mistakes such as begging to take a move back.  Hey, I was winning big time
anyways, so I let him most of the time.  The one thing that stood out from
this match was this kid who acted as a running commentary the whole time, he
was the brother to the guy with the Psychic deck.  He was with some punk kid,
who was looking at my Extra cards.  The kid stole about about $30 bucks
(maybe more) worth of cards from me, all Holofoils.  I didn't figure this out
till way after the tourney, and luckily, I bounced back from the shock.  It
was messed though.
ScooterX 5, Eds Cards nothing.

Game 6, Wave Rider versus Little kid with Ericka deck.
Luckily for me, both the ending games were Little kids, this one was better
though.  Nothing for my deck though, both games were the same, I had all my
Energy Removals by the second Oak, and he couldn't bring out either his
Erickas Victreebel, or her Vileplume.  I won, needless to say.
ScooterX 6, Eds Cards nothing

Final game, Wave Rider versus Tourney Master with Jolteon deck
This deck was one of my worst enemies, it destroyed my first attempt at a
Raindance, and has been on my mind ever since.  I finally brought it all to
rest tonight though, high and mighty, I decided to take this guy on.  We
played one game, I slaughtered him.  I think the one good hit he got was when
he gusted my Fearow, and Pin Missiled it to hell.  This was no problem
however, as I simply played a Scyther, attached an energy to my new Wiggly,
and it was over.
ScooterX Wins!

Now for Props and Slops
Props to:
All the competition
The magazine where I first found the idea for this deck
Dave, showing me this place

Slops too:
That punk that stole my cards (I'll find you someday brat)
The kids who wimped out
Chaos gym for almost ruining all of my decks
Eds for letting people eat really sticky donuts on the tables.

Thank you all!
I am ScooterX, email me at LordOtter@aol.com