End Zone
july 18
9 people
Dark Flame
pokemon 20
1 typhlosion
1 quilava
2 cyndaquil
2 sneasel
1 unown n
1 unown d
1 scyther
1 dratini (base)
1 dark dragonair
1 scizor
1 charmander
1 charmeleon
1 charizard
1 iggly
1 steelix
1 onix
1 magmar (base)
1 magmar
trainers 19
3 plus pow
2 pc search
2 poke march
2 energy ark
1 energy search
1 gold berry
1 berry
1 oak
1 potion
1 nrg retrieval
1 super nrg
1 ecogym
1 focus band
energy 21
3 dark
1 metal
1 rainbow
12 fire
round 1 me vs. some kid with baby
In my hand i had 2 dark and a
igglybuff. he didn't have any basics so i drew two more cards. sure enough,
there was sneasel. then he got a promo pichu. I won the flip. I drew a
cyndaquil. atached a dark to sneasel
flipped for babys power, got heads
and koed the pichu with fury swipes.
won cause he had no
record: 1-0-0
round 2 me vs. cord with
mixed deck
I got cyndaquil and quilava with 2
fire and a energy ark in hand. he had a skarmory with a jungle scyther on his
bench. This totally gave me the win. I won cause he had no basics.
record: 2-0-0
round 3 me vs. coleman with chansey
I got out f. magmar with cyndaquil
on bench. he had a chansey active with an abra on his bench. I lost the
coinflip. he attached a DCE to chansey and scrunched unsuccessfully. I drew a
pokemon march and used it. he got out a mr mime and I got out a sneasel.
attached a fire to magmar and used smokescreen. he attached a DCE and got tails
for smokescreen. I played a super nrg removal and got rid of both
he started to to call me a b**** so
the manager gave me an automatic win.
record: 3-0-0
final me vs. manager
Me and him both started off with
sneasel. I had a dratini benched and two darks in my hand and a plus pow.he had
no bench. I went first and drew another plus pow atached a dark to sneasel and 2
plus pows. got all heads with fury swipes. sneasel died. he had no bench so
I won.
The prize was 10 boosters
of 1st edition neo genesis. I got another typhlosion, a metal energy,
a cleffa, a recycle energy, a mary, a focus band, a skarmory, a time capsule, a
magby, and a elekid.
okay, time for props and slops.(who
made these anyway?!)
sneasel for being an awsome
the manager for kicking coleman
My prizes
coleman for calling me a
Sneasel rocks!