Fiery ‘Dash v.1.2 (Fire)
by Felipe Lapenda
Recife, Pernambuco,
Saturday, August 4th. ,
Total 14 Participants
I made
this new deck a 2 weeks ago, and this is the second time I’m playing with it in
a tournament.
Fiery Dash v.
Pokémon: 16
4 Blaine's
Ponyta L.
3 Blaine's
(Big Hitter, and Hunter)
3 Magmar
L. 31
Gligar (Surprise
2 Cleffa L.
(Elm disguised as a Pokémon)
Chansey (Big
Professor Oak
(Card drawing)
Pluspower (Helps
with that 10 or 20 damage needed to the KO)
4 Energy
(You can’t attack me.)
3 Super Energy
Removal (Pretty much the same as above)
Computer Search (Quick
2nd. Turn Rapidash)
3 Gold
Berry (Chansey
and Rapidash)
2 Cinnabar City Gym
(Disables Water hitters, Gets rid of No Removal Gyms)
Lass (Combo’s
with Eeeeeeek!)
2 Nightly Garbage
Run (Retrieves Fire
1 Energy Flow
(TecH. I can use it when I’m about to be
Energy (Needed
for attacking)
4 Double Colorless Energy (Chansey, Gligar
and Rapidash)
I Try to
start with Gligar or Cleffa because of the no retreat. Gligar is my quickest
anti-water card. The other ones are Chansey and Cinnabar City Gym. If I have a
Blaine's Rapidash on my hand, I play Blaine's Ponyta, attach a DCE, Hind Kick.
On my next turn, I attach a Fire and Stamp away. Magmar helps with the status
effects, good for stalling. the lone Chansey, if played right, with some
Pluspowers, can be a two-turn surprise for someone playing a big HP Pokémon,
like Blastoise, or anyone with more than 60 HP. Most Pokémon of this deck have a
pretty good HP (specially Chansey), so Gold Berries are fine. Cinnabar Gym can
take care of those pesky Eco and No Removal Gyms, for a quick Energy Denial
Round 1
vs. Alisson Renan w/ Grass
He was
playing Grass, so I felt that this ‘d be an easy match. I started with Magmar
and a benched Blaine’s Ponyta, he with Nidoran (Male) and a benched Base
Porygon. I flipped to see who started. Heads. I drew, attached Fire and
Smokescreened. He attached, Horn
Hazarded with Tails. I then attached again and Smogged with a Pluspower for the
KO. My prize was a Gligar. He changed Magmar’s Weakness to Grass. I drew a
Computer Search. I searched for a DCE, attached to Gligar, retreated Magmar and
Slashed for the KO.
Round 2
vs. Fred Gomes w/ Psychic
started with Magmar and benched Chansey and Blaine’s Ponyta. He, with a Mew, 2
Chanseys, a Mr. Mime and an Abra. I Smokecreened, then Smogged twice for the
Mew. Meanwhile he was attaching energy to his Mr. Mime and to the Abra (now
Kadabra). He sent out a Kadabra with one energy. He attached and passed. I
SER’ed him, attached a Fire to Ponyta, then Smogged with Heads. He attached,
then passed. I retreated for Ponyta, attached a DCE, Gold Berry, then evolved.
He saw the Rapidash, and forfeited.
Round 3
vs. Italo Scalabrini w/ Water/Colorless
I was
feeling a little overconfident now, so I felt I could beat him. He had more
Colorless than Water, so it was easy. I used Gligar most of the time, KO’ing
some Furret, Sentret and Kangaskhan. His Water were only Dewgong (which I Ser’ed
whenever he attached more than one energy), Corsola (only stayed up there to be
KO’ed) and Totodile (he also had Croconaw, but I never saw it). Later, I put
down a Blaine’s Rapidash with Cinnabar, and got all my
Round 4
vs. Ricardo Bernardo (BYE)
God he went home earlier. He was going play a Psychic/Darkness deck I was afraid
of, so it was a relief.
I went
undefeated until now, so I was going for the Semi-Final and would play the
4th Place, while 2nd and 3rd would play between
vs. Giovanni Nogueira w/ Grass/Colorless
was pretty much my longest match. He was playing Grass, but also was playing
Clefable/Ditto. He started with Bulbasaur and a benched Scyther. I had a
Blaine’s Ponyta and benched Magmar and another Blaine’s Ponyta. I attached to
Ponyta and passed. He attached to Bulbasaur and Gusted my other Ponyta. I then
Attached to my active Ponyta, and evolved it. I Fire Maned for the KO. He sent
out Scyther, benched a BS Clefairy, attached to it and passed. I attached a DCE,
and Stamped with Tails. He then retreated and evolved the Clefairy. He Stamped
me, also with Tails. I then attached a Gold Berry, and Stamped again, this time
with Heads, Ko’ing the Scyther. He Stamped again, with Tails, so Gold Berry was
activated leaving Rapidash with 20 damage on it. I then stamped again for the KO
and the win.
vs. Rodrigo (Water)
I was
afraid of him because he was playing Water and went almost undefeated
(4-1). He was afraid of me because
of Cinnabar City Gym, and because I came here undefeated. We decided to have 3
Games. The Judge accepted. On game 1, he had only 3 BS Poliwag and a benched FS
Articuno. He was using a Poliwag to stall, evolving it to BS Poliwrath (without
any energy) while he was powering the Articuno. I was using Gligar, and later,
Rapidash, for the Poliwrath. Right when I was about to KO him, I SER’ed his
Articuno. He then sent out more Poliwags, which I KO’ed easily with Stamp. He
sent Articuno (2 Energy), attached a Water and Freeze Dried me. (Tails). I
attached a Gold Berry, ER’ed him and Stamped. He Freeze Dried again. I stamped
again for the KO and win. On game 2, things went more on his side. I had a
Magmar, and he a Lapras w/ a Benched JG Eevee. I smogged and smokecreened, but
that wasn’t enough. He Ko’ed my with 2 Water Guns. (one with a Pluspower). I was
already late, so we decided NOT to go for Game 3. We splitted the Prize (a ND
Booster Pack). So he’d keep the Rare, and me, the rest. He got a Tyranitar
(non-holo), and I got: Scyther, Unown N, Unown I, Pineco, Dunsparce, Mareep,
Spinarak, Natu, Energy Ark, and Kakuna.
Props and Slops:
Ricardo Benardo, who went home earlier.
Ricardo de Sá (Charizard) who didn’t play.
To my
parents, for letting me go there.
To the
guy who traded me a Dark Alakazam and a Brock’s Rhyhorn for a
Felipe Miranda, who helped me completing my Unown collection (A, D, F, M, N, U,
E, I, O), trading me A and U.
Felipe Luna, who didn’t get to the Finals, so that we could have our first
Felipe Luna again, for only wanting to trade his Holo Espeon for a Scizor or an
To some
guy, for only wanting to trade his Scizor for a Rocket’s Zapdos.