Quick Strike(Grass and Lightning)
By Unnon Man
well this is the greatest deck i ever made
2XRocket's Scyther
2XEleckid(neo genesis)
1XMurkrow(neo genesis)
1XClefa(neo genisis)
4XSuper Energy Removal
3XConputer Search
2XScoop Up
2XItem Finder
2XSuper potion
1XSuper Energy Retrieval
1XEnergy Retrieval
14XLightning Energy
9XGrass Energy
4XDouble Colorless Energy
2XDarkness Energy
Round 1
I won the match by the use of Electabuzz giving it Thunder Shock and Punch
fortunately,i was fighting with a water deck for my first match
Now its getting hard,i fought with a Haymaker deck(or what ever is it call)
it was tough but i won him by 2-1
This match was an easy one because although he defeated other people,
he cant win me.The deck he was using was a Raindance Deck
Round4(final match)
This was a match that i realy almost lost.Its another Haymaker Deck
but this is much more better then the one before.Well i think i won
just because my luck was good??Well, i dont know
Thoughts of my deck:
Well my deck's first purpose is to destroy the rival as soon as possible without
giving him/her chance to build up
Weakness of my deck:
If i fight with a Fire deck,i may have lost the match
How to improve my deck:
If i can get four more Rocket's Zapdos,i will replace it with my Electabuzz
Replacing Murkrow with a Scyzor is a good idea and then replace the
Darkness Energy with Metal Energy
Well i may have done many spelling mistake,so hope you all understand ok?
Unnon Man   email add:  Sora1@hehe.com
tell me if anyone has a idea on how to improve my deck ok?