DA RocK's reTuRN
By aNtoNn LEe
Fremont, California
30 people
It's been a long tyme sense i sent anything
in I've been on
vacation so i haven't been able to play. But now i'm back
and i'm ready to show everyone that i was
suppose to go
to the STS. Long story. O well enough of dat
tyme to get
to my report.
Pokemon 14
4x Jigglypuff
3x Wigglytuff
2x Magmar
2x Scyther
1x Cleffa
1x Magby
1x Pichu (i have him jus in case, and
because he looks cool)
Energy 13
5x Fire Energy
4x Recycle Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
Trainer 33
4x Computer Search
4x Super Energy Removal
4x PlusPower
3x Bill
3x Oak
3x Item Finder
2x Energy Removal
2x Rocket's Minefield
2x Nightly Garbage Run
2x Marry
2x Gust
1x Computer Error
1x Gambler
So this is my deck. This deck was the one i
brought to
the STS trails and i barely lost to a
Feraligator deck.
O well u guy's don't need my story. Now to
the matches.
This was a tournament and the top 4 players
played a big
four way battle at the end. The winner got a
box of Neo
Genesis. And
for the people who don't know wut that is,
it's just
like play'n one on one, just that u take
turns and u
find out the
rotation of turns and who goes first with
a die.
Round 1
DA RocK's reTuRN vs. some Sponge
He went first. He had promo Mewtwo out,
attached energy and
passed. I had a Magmar out and Jiggly on
bench, i attched a
recycle energy on Jiggly and passed. He
attached another
psychic energy on Mewtwo and passed. To make
a long
story short i did ten with magmar, he ended
up kill'n magmar
but i had jiggly, i got another energy, got
4 pluspower and
killed his Mewtwo. He had no
Round 2
DA RocK's
reTuRN vs. Eevee deck
He had evee
and i had jiggly. Added double, added plus
plus, oak, plus. Over
DA RocK's reTuRN vs. Raindance (now u know y i have
This guy was pretty good. He had some removals in his
and had Sprout Tower. But i stopped him with Pichu and
Then i took out sprout and and started beat'n him down
wiggly. It was pretty quick after i took out Blastoise.
Round 4
DA RocK's reTuRN vs. Misty
This guy almost won, but i got rid of his
energy's off of Misty's
Tentacruel so i slowly took him out with
Scyther and finally got
wiggly to finish him off.
Round 5
DA RocK's
reTuRN vs. Some fire deck
This guy was
bragg'n that he could beat everyone. He had a lot
of good fire
pokes like Blaines Charizard, Blaines and Rocket's
Moltres, and
Promo Moltres, but i jus took out is energy's and just
beat down on
him with wiggly.
Finals Four
Way match
DA RocK's reTuRN vs. Wiggly Sneasal vs. Brock deck vs.
Fighting deck
This was a long match. The order was Brock Deck, me,
Fighting deck,
and then Wiggly Sneasal. The guy with the wiggly
sneasal was easy
because i jus kept gett'n rid of his energy's. Everyone
else i just
took out with scythers. i jus slowly
attacked everyone. Then i had
one prize left. The guy wih the fighting
deck had out Chaos gym and
messed everyone up. But i got heads on item
finder and got Minefield
and jus finished the sneasal deck up.
Well that's all. I got a lot of good things
from the packs. And i finally
got 3 Steel energy's.
Now for Props and Slops
Props to.....
the store for hav'n a tight
the big four way match at the end because
everyone was good
the Raindance guy he traded me a lot of good
Slops to....
the kid with the fire deck
the guy with the sneasal wiggly, he thought
he was better then
everyone and he cussed a lot, u wouldn't
believe how much
he cussed
O well that's all.
I'm bored and it's during the summer.
O and i can do deck fixes if u need help.
Also anything
else u might need help on
My e-mail is
My IM screen name is
I'm Out