Dark RainDance
Toys r Us
Cliffton Park, NY
August 1 10:00
Hey Pojo this is my first killer deck report ever. This deck is relies on
power and speed with energies to beat down the opponent's deck. Blastoise leads
the way with 100hp and potentail to do 60 damage which is enough to kill those
weaker big basic pokemon. Sneasel also can do some serious damage too. Syther
and Sizor keeps the game moving quickly. heres the deck u been waiting to
3 Squirtle-evolve
2 Wartortle-suport
3 Blastoise-power
3 Jigglypuffs
2 Wigglytuffs-power
2 sneasels
1 Unown D-keeps opponants dark pokemon at bay
2 Sythers-speed
3 energys searches
2 energys retreivels
2 breeders
2 computer searches
3 bills
2 proffessor elm
3 removals
2 goldberries
16 water
3 dark
2 double colorless
My deck did well in
tournament play. Psyicic decks had no chance against my deck. This deck with the
help of unowns pokemon power also repelled dark pokemon. Blastoise aslo dd well
with breeder getting the chance to power blastoise up quickly. In 4 turns
bastoise with right cards can go on a killing frenzie stoping to nothing unless
a strong pokemon came in like electrobuzz. For a unlucky reason Wigglytuff was
never showing up. Just bad luck. Sneasle also was a nasty player. It was always
in play at times of needs. Syther kept the game moving too. Murkrow backed up
sneasle too. Sizor also did some nasty damege with its false swipe. Trainer kept
me game moving too. Heres how my deck did at the toys r Us
Round 1 me vs Typlosion deck
This was a easy game
but the kid was a pain in my ****. He and this kid was playing this dumb digimon
hand held game. He wasnt paying attention at all and kept calling me a cheater
what ever i did because he was so busy playing this game so he had no clue what
i was doing. He had a typlosoin in his hand but killed quivela before he could
evolve. He put out fossil magmar. He kept using smoke screen and everytime he
flipped he got heads....bad luck. then with 20 hp left he used smog to finish
off my Blastoise. He then had this kid help him.lol.He took out electrobuzz and
parlyed sneasel then said i just sit there intill sneasel is dead. lol. I quited
becuase he didnt pay attention 2 he didnt know rules about being parlzed 3
he was annoying little 12 year old. He told on me and we would play again with 1
prize. In my hand was syther 2 dc energys and 1 rainbow energy and other stuff.
I put out syther atached dc energy to him and waited. He had cyniquil and did 40
damage to me since i had weakeness. I put out rainbow energy with deffence
trainer and did 30. He did same thing but reduced to 20. And next turn i killed
This kid never gives up.. he told manger of tourney and
his mom and tried to gang them up on me. the manger didnt bother because a gym
leader was parchely watching fight and said it was fair game. The kids mom got
me kicked out!!!!!!oh well the gym leader liked me and told me to secreatly come
to next round^_^!!! To the next round.
Round 2- charizard deck
My heart was pumping this i knew would be easy. Later on
with me having to get to get 2 prizes and my opponent having 4 to get we had no
bench pokemon and with 1 bastoise and him with Charizard. I put down 1 water
energy to do 100 damage. remember charizard weak to water. He attempted do put
down a fire energy put needed one more. I finised him off for the
Round 3- Semifinals
This was a dark-ground deck all i remember is unown kept
trynoid at bay or if unown wasnt there he would trample all my pokemon to death.
I killed his pokemon with sneasel. Sorry i forgot the rest of the
Round 4- Finals!! Haymaker
This was the ussaul haymaker deck. He used rocket zapdos
to keep Blastoise from coming. Eventaly I brought out Blastoise and sacrafised
him. Before he died i delted him with 60 damage. Rocket Zapdos killed Bastoise.
I brought out syther and killed Zapdos with slash. He had a wiggly that
was unpowered and slowly i killed wiggly after 3 turns.Good game!
Gym Leader fight! Stealix power
I for got most of fight. He had 2 stealixs and killed them
both and he killed my Blastoise. I finshed a stealix off and a skramory with
sneal gg!
I won 5 booster packs and got stealix,Houndoor,sizor,power
band and a Hitmontopp.3 discoveries 2 neos not to shabby.
Time 4 slops and props
beat that annoying 12 year old
good cards in booster packs
the gym leader for letting me stay in tourney even the the
mom of the kid tried to kick me out
to everyone that praticipated exept 4 i kid
To the 1st round kid
and to his mom
Thats it i had really no slops