Sneasel's Army( Dark/Grass)\
By: Scott
Bat Cave Comics
Vancouver, Washington
January, 22, 2001
About 20 particapants
It's been a while since i've posted a deck to the killer deck section. I
decided to make a deck with Sneasel,
because, it's a great poke'mon, with the ability to do major damage on
turn two, provided that you get two dark
energys. This deck is fairly easy to play, Sneasel rocks, with resistance
to psychic, and no weakness. Sneasel has
to be the fastess poke'mon out there now. WIth a dark energy on turn one
you can do forty, for only one dark energy.
Well here is the deck, it is a great deck.
Sneasel's Army
4x Ditto
4x Scyther
4x Sneasel
4x Double Colorless Energy
4x Full Heal Energy
4x Darkness Energy
8x Grass Energy
Trainers( )
2x Item Finder
2x Challenge
3x Professor Oak
3x Scoop Up
3x Night Time Garbage Run
3x Energy Flow
4x Bill
4x Plus Power
4x Computer Search
Round 1 vs. John( Psychi/Grass) He starts with a mewtwo, and I start
with a sneasel. I get to go first, I draw
a bill, and use it to get a dark energy, and a scyther, I lay down
scyther, attach a dark energy, to sneasel, and attack
with fury swipes, I get two heads, so I do 30 damage. He layes a psychic
down on mewtwo, and discards two psychic
energys, and does energy absorbtion. I go, I draw a challenge, I don't
use It, because mewtwo is his only poke'mon,
I lay down a second dark energy on sneasel, and lay down a ditto, and I
do Beat Up, and get 2 heads, and I (WIN)
Round 2 vs. Steve(Lighting/Fighting) He starts with a hitmonchan, and I
start with ditto, I go first again, and
lay down a grass on ditto, lay down a sneasel, and a scyther, on my
bench, and put down two plus powers, down for
ditto, and use jab, and do 40 damage, He does, and layes down a
electabuzz, and a energy down on hitmonchan, and
attaches a plus power and jabs for 30 damage. I go and draw a dark
energy, and lay it down on sneasel, and I do
20 damage to hitmonchan. He goes, and lays down another energy on
hitmnonchan, and jabs. I go and draw a bill,
I use it to draw a dark energy, and a grass, I lay the grass on scyther.
and jab for the kill, He sends in electabuzz with
a lighting, and thunder shocks, but gets tails. Yes, I go and lay down a
double colorless on scyther. and Retreat, and
bring in Sneasel, and do beat up, for the last kill. I win!!! Yes!!!
Round 3 vs. Eric(Psychic/Colorless) He starts with only a base abra. I
start with a sneasel, He goes first, and
still can't get any poke'mon. I go and lay down a dark on sneasel, and
lay down a scyther, on my bench, I lay down a
plus power on sneasel, and I computer search, for a plus power, and then
pro oak, and then I get a new hand, with
another plus power, and I do fury swipes, and get two heads. I do 60 on
turn one for one energy. Yesss!!!
I go on to win the tourney, and get twenty dollers store credit. I don't
do props, and slops, its gitting used
to much. So long. Any comments e-mail me at