No Trainer
by Akuma
MayHam Collectibles
Des Monies Iowa
Saturday January 20th 2001
60 Participants
Well I Attendent my 20th tournament at the best collectibles store there is
anyway enoguh with the stalling and heres my report.
No Trainer
x4 oddish (TR)
x2 Dark Gloom (TR)
x2 Dark Vileplume
x4 Scyther
x4 Electabuzz
x2 Snorlax
x4 Bill
x3 PokeBreeder
x2 PokeTrader
x2 CPU Search
X2 Prof Oak
x1 Nightly Garbage Run
x1 No Removal Gym
x12 Grass
x12 Electric
x3 D.C.E
Main Idea of this deck is to get out that Dark Vileplum as quickly as
possible using the trainers to help and then get the beef snorlax out
fully powerd.
Round 1
Me vs Ross
This kid was playing some sort of baby pokemon flaffy deck well anyway i
started off great getting getting an oddish and a gloom plus a cpu search
snorlax and some energy.
I put out the snorlax first knowing his 90hp would give me a lot of time
First card I drew was a D.C.L so i attached it to the snorlax then cpu
searched to get the Vileplum.
Next Turn I drew a Poke Breeder which i used to evole the oddish into gloom
shutting down the trainers and messing him over big time because his deck
relied on his trainer .
Because of that vilplum he couldnt get the enegy he needded for his pokemon
so I just kept powering up my snorlax with the energy i had and taking all
his pokemon out with out losing a prize.
2nd round
Me vs Stantler Deck
Or at least thats what i think it is anyway this match was horrible for me I
didnt i got 1 pokemon in my starting and hand and the rest was just energy
and all i kept drawing was energy this was one of the rare occasions that
3rd Round
Me vs Arron
He was playing what looked to be a Ericas Vileplum deck .
Well this match statred great for me getting the oddish gloom vileplum all
in my starting hand along with electabuzz and 2 electric energy.
He didnt start out good haveing lost of Pokemon but no energy and had no
traners to get energy with which left them easy prey for the electabuzz and
by the time he got any trainers i had the vileplum out so he couldnt use
them sealing his fate.
Round 4
Me vs Danny
When i heard that i had to play him in round 4 i was thinking the worst this
guy was a great player who i have never one againast in all of the times i
have playd him and he was using that same deck that he used to kick butt
with in the last tournament.
Well that changed I start out with an electabuzz and an oddish to the bench
and i had some energy a poke breeder and a cpu search in my hand.
Well I used the Eelectbuzz to stall early will i got the oddish to vilplume
and powerd him up since he was the only pokemon on my bench.
He ended up getting rid of my Eletabuzz forcing me to bring out the Vileplum
and i was thinking the worst at that point but i drew a snorlax when it was
my turn and layd him on the bench and attached a D.C.L to him and retreated
the vileplum and sent him out.
Well Danny wanted to energy removal me but couldnt because of the vileplume
and he needed his trainers to win the match so it ended up that all his
pokemon became snorlax food.
That deck did pretty well for being essembelled the day of the tournament.
Props and Slops
Props to Mayham for having the tournament
Props to people for being good sports.
Props to people trading me cards i need to complete my Gym Challenge Set.
Really wasnt any.
Well if you have any suggetion on how to make my deck better or questions
about my deck email me at