Killer Rain Dance
A Million
This competition scared me because my arche enemy that cheat in the finals of
a match about a month ago Was here. I knew the kid always played fire and
fighting decks. His friend called me to come to tournement to beat his new
fire deck. So I made my 2nd Rain Dance deck.
Well here's my deck:
The Killer Rain Dance:
4 Squirtle (Blatoise comes from him)
2 Wartortle (just in case I dont got any breeders)
3 Blastiose (rain Dance)
2 Lapras (just a bit of back up)
3 Articuno( main wacker)
3 Syther ( the colorless energies to use slash he'll fit in perfect)
3 Ditto (back up)
3 breeders
4 super potions
4 energy search
1 pokemon center ( incase of emergencies )
23 water
4 dce
Round 1 me vs. some kid with a chansey stall deck
I sent out lapras and sent a squirtle on the bench. I went first. I was
screwed. he already had 2 chanseys on his bench and a kanga active.
I put put a water on lapras. then i water guned his kanga as the game turned
around I had his kangas dead. it was 1 prize and 1. I had an articuno active.
I was freeze drying the chanseys. Then I got blastoise
but it was too late. All i had to do was freeze dry the chansey for the win
record 1-0-0
round 2 me v.s. that kid I told you about
too easy I used lapras to kill him easily
record 2-0-0
between matches I bought 3 boosters
I got a Alakasam (yes my 2nd)
Then Hitmonlee
and then Nidoking
Round three The girl that showed
of her 4 Charizards v.s. me
you prob.
would think this would be a blow..........but it
wasn't........she had a stalling chansey untill she got 2 charizards with 6
energies on each. then she beat my pokemon down to a pulp. time was called
right before she got my ditto.
record 2-0-1
Semi finals
me v.s.
the brat kid that cheated
match was easy. I got my Articuno pumped
early and freeze dried hi arcanine I eventual won after nailing a few
stallers. He just did'nt have time to get a pumped arcanine.
record 3-0-1
finals me v.s. girl with charizards
i had dittos nailing her char
crew. the problem was arcanine.
my three dittos gone. she
nailed all my articunoes because of lack
of enegy. but then all four of my energy search brought a sweep. I just
drilled those arcanines and her chansey for victoury
final record 4-0-1
yes my first contest win with a rain dance
award 10 boosters best
card Alakazam
props and slops
to the first booster and my articunoes
the boy that cheats for lieng and saying I peed my
pants to the girl who sat in the seat i sat at.
Any correction e-mail me at