Omega Red(fire)
                                                                By Harry Hu
                                                     Gamers Illusion Brooklyn NY
                                                                   Wensday January, 24, 2001
                                                                       probably 20 participants
 This deck i constructed is bit different from the rest of the other decks because of its unique capabilities, this deck can both offend and defend at the same time, i competed in the third pokemon trading card tournament i've been in and i won with no sweat, it's not that the players in the tournament are bad its just htey are not familiar with the unique deck of mine. the strategy for this deck is like this: get out the chanseys early out in the game and computer search for a moltres if you don't get one by drawing, then keep on attaching energies to moltres until it's oing to pop, send it out and gust out one of your opponents weak pokemon and boom for a wild fire leaving them with a few cards in their decks, then use the scoop ups and pokemon centers to manipulate through the game, use chanseys to hold your opponent till they run out of cards. Or, if your opponent decide to go for a rush and attack very quickly, you can use the magmars and lickitungs to fend them off and luckily win the game, or use the computer search to get the moltres out and repeat the steps from above.
Omega Red:
3 Moltres
3 Magmar
3 Lickitung
3 Chansey
25 Fire Energy
4 Bill
2 Professor Oak
4 Energy Removal
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Computer Search
2 Gust Of Wind
2 Switch
2 Nightly Garbage Run
Here is how i did in the tournament
Round 1 vs giovanni
  Giovanni is one of my good frieds, he is the one who taught me how to play the pokemno trading card game, i am a little scared to play against him in the first round because if i lose, it gives me a bad record. so anyway, the situation didn't turn out as bad as i think it would, Giovanni played with his best deck the rain dance turbo. due to my luck, i got head on the flip, and luckily drawn 2 chanseys and 1 magmar in my hand. i sent out a chansey to test out what kind of pokemon he's got out there, he started out with a lapras and a Articuno of his bench. so i computer searched for a moltres, puttnig him on the bench and attached a energy and said go. his deck was very well constructed, he put a squirtle on the bench and said go. i attached another energy on to moltres and said go. due to my surprise he got his blastoise out on turn two and fully powered his lapras and oaked. lucky me, his helping me with my strategy, so he water gun chansey with 30. i shown no fear, use a professor Elm to search for more energy. through out the rest of the game, he used bill and bill, oak after oak, and took out a few of my chanseys. so i got mad and sent out moltres and OK his deck.
Round 2 vs Ron (telekenisis)
  Ron is a school mate, i meet him in biology and math, but i never knew he played pokemon, so i had no idea that how good he can be. Ron played a straight psychic deck from hell, i dread playing against psychic decks because they are so trickery. then i ound out he played with a revised sabrina's deck, so i knew i was goin to die because sabrina had a pokemon that can do 110 damages to my chansey. so the round begain, i took out a magmar against his movie promo mewtwo. he went first attaching a psychic energy on to mewtwo and put a sabrina's gastly on the bench (saffucating gas). i went draw a moltres used energy removal on mewtwo and bill for energies. he went and put a abra (sycronize) on the bench so i got scared, i put down a moltres attached an energy and gust out that abra and smoke screen for 10. he sense the danger and evolved his abra quickly into a kadabra and attached a energy, then he used life drain and fliped tails, lucky for me! the rest of the game got quite boring because he tried every thing to knock out my chanseys but i repeated the same thing i did last round. 
Round 3 vs Adrian (Lt. surge wanta be)
  Adrian is a very good friend of mine, i hate beating him because he will probably try to beat me up late but who cares, just one more round and i win a box of unopened Neo genisis cards. Adrian played a reconstructed Lt. suge deck that attacks xtremly fast and hard. i was lucky to go first and sent out a chansey to take the beating. he attacked and attacked with his electubuzz and raichu, but i always scoop up and pokemon center when my chanseys have 10 hp left. Adrian got so mad that i threatens to kill me, but eventually my trainers ran out but who cares, i have a moltres out with 16 energies, so i won.
last round against Robert (Erika's pet)
Robert is my best frined, he and i are about equal powered. this time he knew basically what i was using so he came up with a stall deck with erikas pokemons. tghe most amazing thin was that in the round, and i had my moltres all powered up, i gusted out my moltres and used take away with erika's dragonair. i got worried, but with the super energy retrievals i might be able to beat him. so i repowered up a moltres and kept my eyes on the dratinis making sure they never evolve. on my 40th turni killed the deck he had le.
I got a box of Neo and i am really happy, and i think i will use this deck frequently.
Tanks fro reading if any segestions please contact:
Harry Hu