Your Basic Psy Deck
Aaron Knapp
Des Moines, IA
Saterday 20th, 2001
Mahem Comics & Collectebles
deck is a bit odd 'cause the fact that there are only 3 Psy pkmn in the entire
deck. It was origionaly built to use Aerodactyl's pkmn power & Mew's
Devolution Beam attack to keep evolutions out of play then kill off weak
little basics.It didn't do that at all at the tourney.
Pkmn (17):
3 Stantler
1 Jigglypuff
1 Brock's Likitung
1 Doduo
1 Blain's Touros
1 Miltank
1 Sneasel
1 Aerodactyl
1 Scyther
1 Gligar
1 Jynx
2 Mewtwo
2 Mew
Trainers (15):
1 Eco Gym
1 Comp. Search
1 Moo-Moo Milk
1 Elm
1 Challenge
2 Mysterious Fossil
1 Plus Power
2 Bill
1 Gow
1 Golc Berry
2 Pkmn March
Energy (28):
20 Psy
2 Darkness
2 Rainbow
1 Potion
1 Full Heal
Now I didn't do super
at this tourny. but of the 5 of my friends that went I did the best.
Match 1 vs. Grass Deck
I won the flip and had
an okay hand /w 3 basics: 2 Stantler and a Mew. I beat him up and he beat me
up good right back. In the end it was Scyter /w 60 on it vs. a full powered
Kangaskahn. I restreated 4 Mewtwo and Energy Absorbed. He then Comit Punched 4
60 & I retreated 4 a Gligar, Slashed, he punched 4 40 & I Slashed to
draw my final prize. During the match I was so worried I had to use the
batherroom right when I fineshed.
Match 2 vs. Modern Haymaker
This one was quick. I
won the flip & had 1 basic, Stantler. I attached Dce and stomped
his Scyther. He drew A Buzz, attached
Grass Energy to Scyther and danced. I attached Psy Energy to Stantler &
Mistifyed him & confused him. He attached DCE to Syth & tried to Slash
& failed. I Stomped he threw out Buzz Shoked, no Paralyzm. I stomped and
evetually beat it & that was his last basic.
Match 3 vs. a Wiggly Deck
Lets say this, I sent
it out & Wiggly killed it.
Match 4 vs. Psy Lightning Deck
It was the match
to go to the finals. It was my Jiggly vs. a Slowpoke. He played Resistance Gym
and I pounded he attached 2end Psy Energy to his Mewtwo And I pounded. He
retreated 4 Mewtwo GOW my Mewtow and Psyburned. I pounded he played Sprout
Tower (eeeeeeeeek)
reatreated 4 R. Zapdos & the rest was Plasma. I got Scter out Slashed, but
he attached energy & Electroburned me out of the tourny.
For pojo possibly posting this.
For the good sports.
For the bathroom not being far away.
For lossing horribly in match 3.
For bad dice rolling.
For John beating me in match 2.5.
If you want to send help 4 my deck (please
hurry), hate mail, love mail, or just mail