DoubleMint (Grass)
By: Cybermew
Wizards of the Coast Store
Los Angeles, CA
Saturday January 20, 2000
About 32 people
I saw Meganium and i said, "Da__ that's a good card."
I decided that a deck based around this pokemon would
be pretty good. I tested this out at a tourney and
did pretty good. Here's the deck.
4 Chikorita (The 50 Hp one)
4 Meganium LV. 57 (Base of deck)
3 Cleffa (Great Card, the trapper's greatest fear)
4 Pinsir (Works great with the Nium)
3 Scyther (DUH!)
4 Professor Oak (no brainer)
3 Comp. Search (gets out card)
3 Item Finder (Get that oak back)
2 Lass (Deadly with Cleffa)
4 Plus Power (Easy knockouts)
1 Chaos Gym (stops GGA, got Cleffa so don't need Oak)
1 Eco Gym (Stops Energy Removal)
1 Resistence Lowering Gym (Skarmony, Steelix)
4 Pokemon Breeder (Fast Evolution)
2 Time Capsule (Avoid decking and gets back the Nium)
2 Miracle Berry (Try to shut down my power now)
15 Grass Energy
This deck is based around the king of grass, Meganium.
This deck relies on getting it out on the second turn
and powering up really quickly. Pinsir is great with
Nium and Lass is great wit Cleffa. The tourney had a
20 min. match limit and single elimination. Japanese
cards were not allowed. Here's how the tourney went.
Round 1
Me vs. Hank with Wiggly Deck
I got the flip and drew 7 cards. My hand had a
cleffa, a lass, and all energy. He had a scyther and
a chan I drew another energy. I need to shuffle
better. I lassed and Eeeeeeeked. After shuffling the
deck for a minute, I drew a Chirita, a Nium, a
Breeder, and the rest are trainers. He retreated his
scyther and attached a fighting energy to chan. He
attacked and got heads. I put down the chikorita and
attached an grass to it. The next turn, He still
couldn't draw an oak, He tries to knock cleffa out,
but failed. I breeddered the chikorita, oaked, and got
out a pinsir and scyther. i then just slashed or
guillotine my way to victory. 1/0
Heroes, Pinsir and Cleffa
Round 2
Me vs. Chris with Sneasel Trapper Deck
He won the flip and went first. I had a scyther and a
pinsir while he only had a sneasel. He went first and
attached a dark energy. He then got his trapper combo
out on the first turn, got 2 sneasels on his bench and
i could do nothing. He fury swipes for 20. It drew a
card and got an oak! I am so lucky! I was able to
draw the cards i needed to get out my nium. I put
down a chikorita and attached an energy on pinsir. On
his turn, he couldn't get the trapper out and beat up
my scyther for 60. I then put up my pinsir and drew a
comp search. I breedered the chikorita and comp
search for an oak. I attached an energy, oak, and then
comp. search again for a plus power and KOed his
sneasel. He could draw any more dark energy and wound
up getting killed by pinsir. 2/0
Heroes, Pinsir
Round 3
Me vs. Charlie with TR Zappy Haymaker
I got the flip and started off with a chikorita,
scyther, pinsir, and an oak in my hand. He had a TR
Zappy and another one on the bench. I drew an energy,
attached to scyther, and oaked. I drew a Nium with no
breeder and sword danced. He drew a lightning,
attached it to the Zappy and started Oaking. He was
able to establish position very early. He the
plasmaed for 20. I drew an oak. Oaked, got a breeder
and Nium. Breedered the chikorita and attached
another grass to my scyther. I comp search for
another oak. I then oaked and got a plus. I knocked
tr zappy out. I then killed his last zappy with an
iron grip and then guillotine. 3/0
Heroes Nium, Scyther
Round 4
Me vs ???? Sneasel Wiggly Deck
I won a flip with a Cleffa, a Scyther, and a Comp.
seach. He had a sneasel and a jiggly. I started off
with Scyther, Comp for an oak, attached to scyther,
then oaked for another cleffa and a chikorita. I had
a comp in my hand also. I sword danced and end the
turn. He attached a DCE to Jiggly and lullaby. I got
a heads on the flip and then drew a plus power. I
attached an energy, Comp for another oak, and then got
the nium out and a chaos gym in play. I koed his
jiggly out and drew an energy from my prize. He
attaches a dark energy to sneasel and fury swipe for
30. I then attached an energy to the nium and
slashed. He couldn't draw another basic and he
conceeded. 4/0
Final Match
Me vs. Frank with Steel Deck
Frank is my neighbor and he knew i was gonna have a
Nium deck, so he built a Steel Deck. I lost the flip
and got only a scyther with a bunch of energy in my
hand. He had a cleffa and a skarmony. He lassed me
and got then Eeeeeeek. I then attached an energy to
Scyther and Sword Dance. He brought out Skarmony, put
down an Onix, and clawed successfully. After this, i
couldn't get the cleffa or oak and then got killed. I
think that my nium deck did well and I got second
To Pinsir, you finally had your time in the spotlight.
To Scyther, Great card.
To Meganium, The King of Grass. (Not Venusaur)
To Cleffa, Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo broken.
To All my opponents, great match.
Just to Frank because he purposely built that steel
deck to kill me.
That's it for now, Contact me at my new email, L8z
P.S. Don't think that evolution is dead. It's still
alive in Nium, and perhaps a little in kingdra. Don't
doubt the power of grass either, it's strong.