Surge's rage V (oh whatever it was-I lost count)
By Donald Winship
a Waldenbooks
Somewhere near Dover,NJ (I'm not good with my place names)
4 participants (and plenty of spectators)
The Deck
The deck was a excessivly reconstructed Lt. Surge theme deck.After nearly
every battle I improved the deck, but a large part of it wasn't removed. It's
record bbefore the tourney was 20-2
4 surge's magnemite (2 of each version)
2 surge's magneton
4 surge's pikachu
1 surge's raichu (the one with thunderbolt)
2 surge's electabuzz(1 of each kind)
4 pikachu (base)
4 surge's spearow(2 of each)
4 doduo
2 dodrio
2 jigglypuff
2 wigglytuff

2 blaine's quiz #1
4 secret misson
4 bill
1 surge's treaty
1 surge
1 pluspower

20 electric energy

battle 1
versus Matthew Weber using his "mega water and a little fire deck"
this match took longer then expected (knowing a little about his deck by
helping him build it can give you a sence of overconfidence). He got a full
bench quickly, and proceeded to mow down a surge's spearow (and amazingly) a
base pikachu with his misty's tentacool (the one with crystal beam). This
thrashing continued while I energized my secret weapon, a jigglypuff. I put
it out after evolving it and fully energizing it.Altough he had 1 prize left,
and I had 5, my wiggly obliderated everything he could send out (espcially
because he keeped refilling his bench in an attempt to send out something
that could KO my wiggly). I picked up my last prize.

round 2 (the finals)
Againsed Victor Moore using a heavially modified brock theme deck
The battle is eched vividly in my mind because this was the battle that I
expected to lose. on the opening draw I got the following hand: 1 holo
surge's electabuzz, 2 surge's spearow (1 common and 1 uncommon), 1 surge's
treaty, 1doduo and 2 electric energy. I won the coinflip and drew a surge's
spearow.My doduo was out to faceoff against the common brock's onix. After
looking at my options (change to the one of the surge's spearow, doduo, or
surge's electabuzz) I put down an energy on doduo and used fury attack and
got 1 head. this went on until the onix went down. He then sent out the
coomon version of brock's rhyhorn (which he had put down when his onix had 40
HP left).
It eventually managed to mow down the 2 common surge's spearow and the doduo,
which forced me to send out the common surge's spearow. The rhyhorn had soon
had 20 HP left,and victory seemed close when he evolved it into brock's
rhydon. althouge it did manage to KO my Lt. S's spearow, I sent out another
doduo, which I had convinuently drown as my prize for KOing brock's onix. The
rhydon just couldn't KO my doduo, and I KOed it before he could whip out
another basic.
2-0, and that won the tourney.

Props: NO LOSSES! also having shown how some decks can beat their own main
Slops: Gym challenge hadn't come out, which meant I couldn't add my rocket's
zapdos until later

Donald Winship