Ice Men(Dark/Water)
by Alex Wallace
Toys R Us
Saturday,January 27,2001
Hello my name is Alex and I am going to tell you about my new deck Ice Men.It took me about 2 or 3 weeks to complete this deck,but all that waiting paid off,i've won just about every single match.Well enough talk let me show you my deck.
Ice Men
Pokemon 14
3xTotodile Lv.20
3xCroconaw Lv.34
2xFeraligatr Lv.56
1xFeraligatr Lv.69
4xGold Berry
3xComputer Search
2xEnergy Charge
2xSuper Scoop Up
2xPokemon Trader
2xSuper Rod
1xSuper Energy Retrieval
1xMax Revive
1xSprout Tower
1xNightly Gabage Run
17 water energy
4 dark energy
2 recycle energy
I don't remember the matches well but here goes.
Match 1:Me vs Josh(fighting/psy)
I started out with a sneasel and a totodile and he had a gligar and a jigglypuff,I went first.I attached a dark energy and I challenged he accepted,big mistake,I took out two sneasels,two totodiles,and a voltorb.I computer searched for a dark energy and used fury swipes.All he did was attach an energy.On my second turn I eliminated his gligar,that is basically what I did to all his other pokemon till the sixth prize.
Match 2:Me vs ???(Grass deck)
He went first and had a chikorita,spinark,and ledyba,I had two sneasels,and two totodiles.He attached an energy to chikorita and used growl.I computer searched for a dark enegy and attached it to sneasel and used fury swipes for 30 damage.He then attached an energy to chikarita and used razor leaf for 20.Then I used fury swipes and got only one heads but chikarita still fainted because of the dark energy(Haha!).He then attacked my sneasel with his spinark and did string shot,but did not paralyze me.Then I got a dark energy attached it to sneasel and used beat up and knocked him out.Then he brought out ledyba and passed.Then I attached gold berry to sneasel(just in case) and knocked out his ledyba.
After that I traded some cards and ate for half an hour.
Match 3:Me vs  David(Grass)
We both started out 1 pokemon only,he had a scyther and I,as usual,have a sneasel,he goes first.He attaches a grass energy and uses swords dance.Then I attach a water energy and do fury swipes for 30.He uses slash and kills me.
That was it,time was up.Now for props and slops!
Props to the people I stepped on.
Slops to the people who stepped on me and who don't know how to flip a coin.
Alex Wallace
Walmont@ Bellsouth.Net