The Haymaker (fire, grass, eletric)
By Joey Hogan
Toys'R'Us pokemon league
Levittown ,PA
January 27th 2001
About 32 people where there
Hi my name is Joey i went to STS and
finished pretty well but i cant
remerber the deck so i will do a deck that i made right before the league it
did very well.
3 buzz
3 magmar
3 scyther
3 ditto
1 kogas ditto
2 bill
3 oak
2 computer search
3 pluspower
2 itemfinder
3 gusts
3 super potion
2 super energy removal
3 nightly garbage run
2 scoop up
4 Double colorless
10 fire
10 eletric
my first battle was against my rival stephen(psybuzz) with a sponge
I started with electabuzz and he started with scyther i attached an energy
and used thundershock. He attached a double colorless and passed i attached
another energy played a pluspower and i blew and oak used my computer search
for another pluspower got heads with thunderpunch and won the game.
My second battle was against an older guy with a
high HP status effect
deck. I started with scyther and a double colorless energy against a
jigglypuff. my next turn i attached another energy and used slash. the next
turn he used lullaby and i didnt wake up. So I powerded up my benched scyther
than passed. His next turn he attached to jiggly and pounded. I woke up on my
next turn and attached a double colorless on my bench scyther than attacked
with a wining slash and go my first prize. His next turn he sent out neo
clefairy and attached double colorless and used a slap with 2 heads. I
retreated my damaged scyther for my benched than I used a super potion on my
damaged scyther than used slash. His next turn he evolved and use
metronome/slash. Next turn I attached a plus power for my second prize. He
only had a hitmonlee on his bench with a fighting energy on him. He attached
a defender and another energy and used stretch kick to my benched scyther. My
next turned I slashed him for 10 he continued to attack my benched scyther
so I oaked attached a plus power and slashed for the grand victory!!!
My next battle was against a pokenewbie who used a eletric grass
lets just say magmar did it he only had a bulbasaur and i only had magmar i
after that i battled a kid who used the 30 damage haymaker(it uses
basics thst can do 30 by turn 2 with the help of double colorless). last week
i lost too him so did my rival who is VERY hard. I started with magmar
against his pikachu i stalled with smokescreen then finshed him off with
smog. my next victum was his scyther. He slashed me i drew my card which was
a double colorless i attached to my benched scytherand smoged him he ended up
being poinsend. his next turn he attached a pluspower and knocked me out. i
soon followed him with my scyther for another knock out. he sent out
electabuzz and passed without attacking. i drew an electabuzz and attached to
him and used slash. his next turn he attached and paralized my scyther with
thundershock. i drew a pluspower and saved it . his next he attached an
energy and used thunderpunch with a heads. i survided with 20HP and attached
a pluspower too knock him out and won the game.
I only needed 10 points too get the badge when my rival asked
too battle
me again in a rematch it was so fast it wasnt even funny! i started with
kogas ditto with no other basics. he went first and thundershocked with a
tails i attempted too use giant growth but it failed. his next turn he
attached and won with thunderpunch.
although i lost once me and my rival/friend are still
at a tie over all
i had a good day and got my first johto badge.
Joey Hogan