Toys R' Us,Saturday,Jan. 27,2001
                                  Psi/w  mostly Colorless
                                   Jordan Parey  Albuquerque,New Mexico
roughly 70 ppl

HI, Pojo, this iss my 1st report.This was at Toys R'  Us   Winrock Mall.the
kids were NOT very good players,aside from my friends Terek and
Kevin.well,heres the deck enjoy!
            2 e. dratini
            1 e. dragonair (jap)
             4 tr dratini  2 base dragonair 1 tr dragonair
              2 abra 2 kadabra 2  alakazam 2 chansey 2 ditto
              2 er 2 the rockets trap 2 gow 1 ecogym 2 pluspower 2 p. oak 2
lass 2 switch 15 psi 14 grass

        heres the report!
          Grand  Party vs hellfire
             he was tough.he started with b. magmar,growly,and tr oddish.he
starts with oddish me a lone 'tini.he flips the coin i lost he does not get
any energy so he says go.i draw oak use it  a crappy hand of lass oak plus
powers the rockets traps  gow.before i oaked i laid an make a long
story short i get chansey and he lava bursts his library so much he decks out
on the 18th turn.

             Grand Party vs b.tauros hay
                this was the stragest deck ive ever seen. he gets outa lone
tauros against e.dratini and chansey.he had got tauros fully pumped but by
the 6th turn he was killed in one shot by chansey.

             bye.Toys 'R Us closed becuase of a small windy blizzard.after
that we went to lunch and to nobles where i got a single neo 3 pack

props and slops
props to the holo misdreavus i got in the pack
props to my Grand Party deck for doing good
props to the gym leader for giving me extra points for trash duty
 props to promo togepi he rocks
no slops today

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