Stage 3 Power Outage
By GymLeaderPhil
Daytona Beach, Florida
Saturday, January 27, 2001
Hey All You Pojo Freaks It's Me GLP With My First Killer Deck Report!
Now I've heard many of you on the Message Boards talking about the decks in
here. Now they have a reason to call it killer;-). Anyway lets stop the
mindless chatter:
Stage 3 Power Outage
4 - Dark Muk
4 - Fossil Grimer
3 - Rocket Oddish
4 - Jungle Scyther
2 - Base Chansey
1 - Cleffa
3 - Computer Search
3 - Lass
4 - Professer Oak
4 - Bill
4 - Gust Of Wind
3 - Chaos Gym
4 - Double Colorless Energy
4 - Full Heal Energy
13 - Grass Energy
Yes, this is the same Tourney from the Deck Reports last December. The
Organizer GymLeaderHoward created his own DCI program and is a force to be
reckoned with! If you go to the DCI Rankings for Daytona Beach you'll see
why. Anyhow this Books-A-Million is located just a few miles away from the
Daytona International Speedway (For You Race Fans out There) , The Beach (For
You Surf Fans out There), and a two story McDonalds(For You Food Fans Out
There) .
~A Little Before Time~
GymLeaderHoward had to ride the other GymLeader home (Sorry I forgot your
name, but you play a mean Raindance!) so we had to delay the Tournament for
like 20 Minutes. GymLeaderIan, GymLeaderDrew, and I went back inside BAM for
something to eat. Long Story behind why we arent playing inside the store
anymore: This one kid started the Tournament (he is a Certified Judge) one
Saturday when GLHoward wasn't there and left the store a mess. So we are
playing in a abondended mall hallway directly next to Books-A-Million. Lets
just say you can have one heck of a Shuffleboard game in there. Inside we got
three of those Krispy Treat things with the Chocolate on top. Let me tell you
those are as hard to eat as Books-A-Million's Chocolate Chip Cookie. If you
every try to eat one heres a word of advice: start at the bottom corner.
While we were eating Howard pulled up and we started.
~Round 1~ GymLeader Ian Piltcher
Well, Well, Well. This is his first DCI Ranked Tourney and hes running a deck
that unfortunantly GymLeaderDrew and I have looked through. The Clock starts.
I put down a Scyther and Ian put a Snorlax out. I got the coin flip and
attached a Grass Energy, Sword Dance. He attaches a Recycle Energy to
Snorlax. My turn, DCE, Slash for 60. He then turns his attention towards his
Sneasle and attaches a Dark Energy. My turn 30HP left on Snorlax and I get a
Dark Muk. Slash for Prize he sends out Sneasle, oh joy! He attaches my
Rainbow Energy that I let him borrow *Grrrr* and does beat up. 3 heads and
Scyther goes into the Discard. Promoted Dark Muk with one Grass Energy, Drew
Chaos, Attached Grass to Dark Muk, Put Chaos Gym Down, and Sludge Punched for
20 + Poison. Tried to retreat, but once he found out he had to discard two
energies instead of zero he stayed out and did Beat Up. All Tails. My turn he
had 40 on him and I Sludge Punched for a Prize. He sent out Rocket Grimer and
did Ten with Paralyzation. I draw a card and low and behold Full Heal Energy!
I attach it to Dark Muk and Sludge Punched for 30. He did 10 to me without
Paralyzation and then I Sludge Punched for the Victory.
~Round 2~ Daniel Kauanagh
I watched this kid play earlier. He uses a Haymaker but not that well. Not
much of a game. Mostly KO KO KO KO KO KO.
~Round 3~ GymLeader Howard Lee
The master himself battles me! I send out Scyther and Howard Gilgar. Sword
Dance him Poison Sting. I then Computer Search for a DCE, find it, and attach
it Scyther. Slash for Knock Out. He sends out Hoothoot with a DCE attached
and does Hypnosis. From this point on the Battle is a little blurry. Howard
was (C)oaking, Item Finding, Elming, and Computer Searching while his
Noctowls were doing Glaring Gaze. He had two Sneasles out and were killing my
Scythers now. But I was building up my Dark Muks. By the time all of this
madness stopped and the smoke cleared we were tied. With five minutes left,
me with 4 cards in my deck, and him with 2 I was certain I was going to win.
Yet in the end he somehow pulled it off and won. That was the most intensive
battle of the day. Afterwards he told me the backbone of his deck 4 (C)oaks,
4 Elms, 4 Computer Searches, and 4 Item Finders. On to Round 4.
~Round 4~ Jason
This kid went with Howard to the ECSTS, but in this battle it really didn't
show it. He was playing a Slowking, Noctowl, and Hitmonchan Deck or know by
many as a Trapper. The deck was built by Howard and you could see the
backbone he talked about in Round 3. He asked me if I wanted to cut each
others decks I say no because of what happen last time (I shuffled and he
says the cards are not facing the correct way, come on ...). Anyway we start
off and he has a Hoothoot as active and Neo Slowpoke on the bench. I have a
Scyther active and Rocket Grimer on bench. I get coin flip, retreat Scyther
for Grimer, attach a Grass Energy to Grimer, and minimize. He asks me why I
didn't want to do damage *Groan* and I say stop stalling. He attaches a
Psychic energy to Hoothoot and Hypnosis I'm asleep. I get tails, attach a
Grass to Grimer, Evolve it into Dark Muk, and Sludge Punch. He attaches a
Fighting to Hoothoot and does Peck for 20. I Sludge Punch for a Prize and he
sends out Neo Slowpoke. He attacks me for 20 due to weakness without
Paralyzation. My turn Sludge Punch for 30 and he forfeits the game?!?! What
people will do to say you didn't actually win...
With 10 Minutes left I walked around and watched Howard beat GymLeaderDrew.
Then some of the Mall Security came up to Howard and told him to go outside.
Somebody yelled out he was printing Illegal Pokemon Cards and another said
that he Cheated in a Game. Good Times, Good Times. He came back in and told
us we had to wrap the Tournament up around 9:00pm so we dropped Round 8.
~Round 5~ Noah
Another Deck containing Noctowls! I'm thinking of making something Electric
next week. Anyway he was running a totally colorless deck. I'm hating myself
for not putting in Sprout Tower! There was Licitungs, Lugias, Hoothoots, and
Noctowls oh my! What a deck. He put me asleep first turn with his Hoothoot
and I forgot to flip on his turn. I asked if I could re-flip it. He said no.
I pulled out a dollar and asked him now. Howard started cracking up. Thats I
all I remember this Round. I got Victory without Spending a dime!
~Round 6~ GymLeader Andrew Wybo
We knew we would match up soon since thus this far we had the same Victories
and Losses.
He runs a Turbo Dragonite Deck. It is VERY Deadly. His deck and mine have
matched up several different times yielding different results. We knew anyone
could win this one. Most of the match I didn't record anything since we were
going so fast. Cleffa saw some action this round. We were down to one Prize
and I decked myself. I was guaranteed 3rd Place if I won next round.
~Round 7~ Dakota
I didn't see much of his deck only a Totodile, Rocket Charmander, and a Dark
Charazard. Chancey and Scyther took care of all of them. If your reading this
Dakota go to the Message Boards for some Deck Ideas ASAP!
~So Here are the official results of the Tournament~
1st Howard Lee
2nd Andrew Wybo
3rd Philip McKinney
4th Kyle Trevithic
5th Daniel Kauanagh
6th Michael Kreiner
7th Jason Varounis
8th Noah Markel
9th Ian Piclcher
10th Dakota Ramos
11th Christopher Bailey
12th Steven Herring
14th Christopher Gotimer
15th James Anderson
I got 4 packs of Gym: Challange. They didnt have any Neo Boosters in Stock,
but hey its still cards! Heres Props and Slops:
-Books-A-Million Didnt Cancel the Weekly Tournament because of that kid.
-My DCI Raiting went up!
-Howard for making an alwsome non-archetype deck.
-Howard for taking time to do all the DCI Paperwork and mess.
-Anyone who read this really really long Deck Report.
-Anyone who will/has attend the Books-A-Million Daytona Beach's Weekly
-Pojo one of the best sites in the Pokemon Community.
-Anyone who plays a non-archetype deck. It can be hard, but keep trying!
-GymLeaderAJ for at least coming, kudos!
-Prizes, need I say more?
-Jason for forfiting, you lost, admit it!
-Books-A-Million's ChocolateChip Cookies, Dont make 'em so hard!
-GymLeaderDavid's Boss at Dell! Why dont you let him off he works the
nightshift and still makes it every Sunday to our Pokemon League migrain or
-GymLeaderMark, leave me your Phone Number if you want me to contact you!
-Anybody who didnt read this, oh, okay you did.
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