Freezer Burn
            By Ron Foster
            Books a Million
            Greenville, South Carolina
    Hi, my name is Ron Foster this is my first report on my new deck

                Pokemon x21
Lapras(Lv.31) x4
Articuno(Lv.35) x3
Articuno(Lv.34) x1
Ditto(Lv.20 x2)
Chansey(Lv.55) x2
Dratini(Lv.12) x4
Dark Dragonair(Lv.28) x3
Dark Dragonite(Lv.33) x2

            Trainers x15
Bill x1
Potion x3
Super Potion x2
Computer Search x1
Energy Removal x3
Super Energy Removal x1
The Boss's Way x2
Super Scoop Up x2
         Energy x24
Double Colorless x2
Water x22

    The strategy of this deck is to stall with Lapras and Chansey, (and if
I'm desperate, Ditto,) while I power up my heavy hitters like Articuno and
Dragonite, and once again sometimes Ditto.

Round 1 Freezer Vs. Punk/w Bizzarre Water Deck
     I sent out Ditto to his Jigglypuff I put Articuno and er *slaps
himself* I can't remember.  After I killed Jiggly I plowed through his weak
basics like Dratini. The best card he got out the whole time was an
Energyless Articuno which Dragonite took care of.
Deck note: How can he have a water Deck with only 1 Articuno??
*Between  Matches*
Trade R Zapdos for R scyther
Trade D Dragonite for Chansey
Trade Sneasel for D Dragonite
Round 2 FreezerBurn Vs.Punk/w Raizard Deck(rematch)
    This time I got the worst hand in Pokemon history a Chansey Articunos
and no NRGs!To make a long story short he got out Raichu turn 2.  I stalled a
while with energy removals and Chansey, but forfeited due to lack of NRGs.
Cards of the match:  Chansey and Energy Removal for stalling
*Between Matches*
Trade Lugia for Blastoise

Round 3 Freezer Burn Vs. TERRIBLE Rainbow deck
    I play MP Articuno as my basic he played Magmar(Base) I ERed 'til I had
the NRGs to use Diamond Dust, when I did he was paralyzed so just for fun I
didn't attack he used flamethrower I kill it, he played Ponyta attached NRG
to  it and passed, but then we had to do a deathmatch I was in trouble,
luckily I drew Lapras played it attached NRG retreated Articuno and water gun
for 20 because of weakness he flametailed I attach NRG and water gun for the
Props and Slops
to Dad for driving us
to my friend for trading me the cards I need
to Pojo if he posts this
to Ditto
to Chansey
to Lapras
to Articuno
to Rainbow kid for being a good sport
to my deck
to me for losing to Punk
to Punk for being a sore winner
to Pojo if he doesn't post this
to people who think water decks stink if you do surprise!
P.S. puh-leeze post this Pojo it took me forever to write it
E-mail me @ Chornets89 (I don't have an E-mail adress so I hope my screenname
will do)