Treble charger
                                           Cameron stott
                                         January 26 2001
                                         20 participants
                                             prop 15/3

Pokemon 20

3 hitmonchan
3 scyther
3 sneasel (neo)
2 clefairy (neo)
2 clefable
3 jigglypuff
2 wigglytuff
2 rocket zapdos

Trainers 15

3 oak
3 gold berry (neo)
2 plus power
1 item finder
2 scoop up
2 comp. search
1 gust of wind
1 ecogym (neo)

Energys 25

3 dark energys (neo)
2 potion energys
2 full heal energys
3 d.c.e
3 rainbow energys
6 fighting energys
6 lighting energys

 Before I start with the tournement, want to say that this deck is
amazing,I have pulled myself out of so many jams in the past 15
tournaments. (mind you, I am a great pokemon player.)Know on with the

Round 1 me vs. Alex an STS player with arcanine/wiggly

As we started he drew only growlithe with energies and a gold berry.
I got first crack to start beating up on him and managed to successfully
get wiggly from the jiggly I started with to kill his only basic.

1-0-0-3 points

Round 2  me vs. Jon (Alex's friend)

This guy has a very similar deck to mine only mines better.We started and I
had scyther active, clefairy and jiggly benched, and the saviour ....Oak! I
oaked to get sneasel, clefable,and gold berry with a bunch of energys I
started to load clefairy for an up coming kill. I begin to hammer away with
clefable as I evolved. We were coming close to the end of the battle when
he screwed up and layed down r.zapdos for me to gust, meternome,kill.

2-0-0-6 points

Round 3 me vs. kid with a little raindow deck

Well I got a GOD hand ( a really good hand ) that set me up for an easy
win. Let me explain, wiggly =60 damage, all his pokemon =50hp or less,50-60
=kill. (sorry for the math lesson but to make a long story short, I won
with ease.

3-0-0-9 points

well, I made it to the finals, but now I have to put my deck to the
ultimate test... marcus abreu ! the hardest trainer I have ever faced was
next, wish me luck.

Round 4 me vs. The great one Marcus abreu

This match went on for at least 1 hour as we duked it out until we had last
prize for both of us and I had 2 cards left. Unfortunetly I lost.......
JUST KIDING, I won as I drew a GUST OF WIND to gust r.zapdos with clefabe
as my active to winthe match. (I was the first person to beat his deck, so
he said)

I got first place for 3 packs but since the person who was running the
tourney ask if I wanted cash, and I took the cash,20 bucks.

If you want to contact me, e-mail me at
Thanks pojo!