Suicide v2.0 (Fire/Electric)
by Legend 432-31(Lifetime Record)
Omniverse Hobbys
Fort Myers, Florida

Saturday, January 27th, 2001
32 Total Participants

Before you read my hysterically crazy story about a
"killer" deck, in my very first DCI sanctioned
tournament at Omniverse Hobbys.  I had been in the
Books-A-Million Pokemon league for a year, and I had
good times there, but never really had much of a
challenge.  My friends and I were the only real people
there with skill.  I went onto gain a record of 127-3
at the Books-A-Million league, and decided it was time
to move on.  My three losses were well lost.  One was
to another kid my age (15), who was using a deck with
Sabrina's Mewtwo, Sabrina's Gengar, and Sabrina's
Alakazam.  This was before Team Rocket even came out,
so I had no clue what these cards were.  The kid had a
book in which I could check the attacks, but I didn't
bother.  I was using a wiggly, and  he had lots of fun
destroying the Hitmonchan's I had out early for the
win.  The second was to my best friend, but it really
wasn't during the league play.  It was deck testing
before hand.  The third was from another friend, who
was using a Wiggly up against my Sneasel deck just
last weekend.  He did really good and got me with 1-0
prizes at he end.  Anyway, on to the report!

Suicide v2.0
3 Electrode (BS)
3 Voltorb (TR)
3 Arcanine (BS)
3 Growlithe (BS)
3 Team Rocket's Zapdos
4 Professor Oak
3 Bill
4 Energy Retrieval
4 Gold Berry
3 Computer Search
2 Item Finder
3 Gust of Wind
3 Defender
8 Fire Energy
8 Electric Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

The whole point of this deck is to use Base Set
Electrode's Pokemon Power Buzzap (Knocks out Electrode
and attaches him to any pokemon to provide 2 energies
of any type) to power up Arcanine in hopefully 2
turns.  Get out either Growlithe or Magmar, attach DCE
to Growlithe, then Electrode next turn.  Pound away
with 80 using Golden Nut's to heal up! The big
downside to this deck, is having to start out with a
Voltorb only pretty much kills you unless you get
really lucky.

[Round One]Legend vs Katie (Sneasel)
Well, great lucky for me as I was playing a Sneasel
deck, the deck that is perfect for those good flippers
out there. She had Sneasel active with Buzz benched,
but I went first with a Growlithe active and a
Growlithe benched.  I drew a Voltorb (w00t), and
placed that down as well.  I attached a DCE to the
benched Growlithe, and ended my turn.  She went,
placing a Dark Energy on Sneasel and using Fury
swipes... just what I had hoped.  Heads, Tails, Tails.
 Whew.  I put 2 counters on Growlithe and drew.  I
evolved Growlithe into Arcanine, and searched for Oak.
 I Oaked, getting a Voltorb and an Electrode.  Yes! I
evolved, buzzapped, and played Gold Berry.  I took
Sneasel down with a happy look on my face, and a
confused look on hers.  She demanded to see Electrode
angrily, and was only upset more when the power let me
do just what I had done.  Boo Hoo.  She put up the
Buzz, and Oaked for another Sneasel.  She put a Dark
Energy on Sneasel, and passed.  I drew a Magmar and
placed it.  I put a Double Colorless on the other
Growlithe.  I Gusted out Sneasel and took him down
happily.  She was mad again.  Next turn, she shocked
for tails.  I took down next turn for the win!

[Round One]Legend vs Josh (Misty One-hit KO)
Okay, this was really scary.  This kid started with
Misty's Staryu active and benched.  He went first and
put a water on the active. He used Misty to add 20 to
Star Boomerang.  Then he played 2 Plus Powers to add
20 More. He used it and did 60 damage to Zapdos.
After releasing the grit on my teeth slowly, I
attached an energy to Zapdos to plasma the stupid
Staryu for the KO.  He boomeranged Zapdos again KO'ing
it.  I put out Growlithe, reluctantly, and started my
turn.  I played a Voltorb, attached a DCE and a
Defender and Oaked.  I played another Growlithe and
attached another Defender to Growlithe. I let him go.
He put a Misty's Horsea on the bench, and attached an
energy to it.  He Oaked, and placed out another
Staryu.  He ended his turn.   I put Electrode on
Voltorb, and then to Growlithe.  He laughed at me for
doing so, but I just shrugged and continued.  I put an
Arcanine on Growlithe, and took him down, placing a
Gold Berry down Before so ^_~.  He grumbled something
under his breathe, and put out Horsea.  He attached an
energy to Staryu on the bench and.. Passed? Whatever,
I took down Horsea.  He Boomeranged for 40.  I removed
the Berry.  I took down Staryu.  And that was game.

[Round Three]Legend vs Rick (Self-Destruction)
Well, this guy had a tough time getting out Golem, and
I had a really fun time blasting away the Scyther's he
had to stall for him.  Mwa ha ha! Ended in 6 turns.
Here I go to three and oh!

[Semi-Final]Legend vs Paul (Clefable)
My friend Paul from Books-A-Million knew my deck, and
he was using it's worst Nightmare... Clefable.  I was
able to stall with Zapdos and a Golden Nut while I
powered up Arcanine.  He had out that Nasty Clefable,
and he KO'd Zappy using Burn.  Then I killed Fable
luckily using Take Down and a Defender.  He had
trouble getting his Fable back out because I made sure
to gust out all of the Clefairies and get rid of them
quick.  He somehow got me down to 2 prizes using
Blaine's Rapidash.  But I ended up with a win by
KO'ing Dash using Electroburn.

[Final]Legend vs Mr. Pokemon (Anti-Evo Haymaker)
Mr. Pokemon is the best.  He is a 60-some year old
Chinese guy with a lot of experience.  I have beaten
him a lot of times, but I had heard he got better. And
he did.  He was able to kill off 2 Voltorbs and a
Growlithe, and I didn't get out a fully-charged
Arcanine until I killed Aerodactyl with Zappy by
gusting it out.  I pretty much breezed through after
that because he had out 2 Scyther's and a Magmar.  I
finished them for the win and the Neo Booster Box!

My deck is now 6-0, and I am proud.  I got a Neo
Booster Box containing a lot of cards that were really
good, and I don't feel like listing them all.  I had
to pay 20 dollars to enter, and got 100 dollars plus
back in cards.

Props and Slops
Props to good ol' Mr. Pokemon for always taking losses
well.  I gave him 4 packs for being a good sport.
Props to my shuffling, for making sure I didn't get
screwed with a Voltorb only to start with.  No Slops

Thanks for Reading this! Buh-bye!

Kurisu Densetsu