- S
Erik Mebelly
Friends Hobbies
Waukegan, IL
January 27th, 2001
About 29 players
the release of Neo, I finally got to put to use a bunch of the
cards that I had been waiting for, and I was able to put together one of the
least energy intensive decks I've ever made. The title,Tri - S, stands for
the the 3 main pokemon in the deck.
(Spores, Scorches, and Scythes)
3 Skiploom
3 Hoppip
3 Scyther
2 Neo Magmar
2 Kanagskhan
(15 pokemon)
10 Grass Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Potion Energy
(18 energy)
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Pluspower
2 Pokemon Trader
2 Item Finder
2 Sprout Tower
2 Gust of Wind
2 Scoop Up
(27 trainers)
1 vs. Thomas with Copycat deck
Thomas is one of the newer
players at the local tourney, so he's not
very experienced, his copycat deck had only 2 Clefairys, 2 Clefables, and 4
Dittos as the "copy" part of the deck, and 4 Giovanni's Meowth
as the "cat"
part of the deck. He started out with an active Meowth and a benched
Clefairy. I had Kangaskhan as my active, and Hoppip on the bench. He tried
"Cat Fleas" 3 times, all of them failed, meanwhile, I was using
"Fetch" and
soon I got Computer Search,which I used to get Professor Oak, which provided
me with a Jumpluff, and then I used a Pokemon Trader to get Skiploom, I had
Jumpluff out after about 7 turns, I then "scooped" my confused
and promote Jumpluff, and proceeded to use Sleep Powder and Leech Seed, until
I finally knocked out all of his actives by about turn 13-15.
Round 2 vs. Yassun with MetalMime deck
His deck was based on using the
combo of Metal Energy+Mr. Mime (Mr.
Mime takes no damage from any attacks). But to bad for him, the combo doesn't
work, (It would if you added in the pokemon power first, but you add in the
energy power first, according to wizards). He was so upset, but not upset
enough to win the match, I beat him using a single Magmar, I had to knock out
2 Mimes to win the match.
Round 3 vs. Creg with Insanity SER/ER deck
First he mulliganned 4 times so
I had a big advantage on cards, when
he finally did get a basic he had omly one, luckily for him it was Chansey,
so it could soak up a bunch of damage. I started with 2 Hoppips and an active
Kangaskhan, I fetched until, I finally got Computer Search, I got an Oak,
which helped me to get a Jumpluff and Skiploom, he kept using ERs and SERs,
too bad for him that I could charge up Jumpluff in one turn, but soon, he had
out an MP Mewtwo to combat me with, he Psyburned me, but luckily, he never
woke up from Sleep Powder, and my Jumpluff defeated it in a couple of turns.
After that, he Double-Edged me and knocked out Jumpluff, but it was his last
Chansey, I then brought in Scyther, Item Findered for a Pluspower, and
slashed my way to victory.
Round 4 vs. Toby with Chaotic Flames deck
I loved the title of the deck,
but when I first saw it I didn't like
it, he was using fire, my weakness. His deck had Arcanine and Charizard as
the pokemon, he had 4 of each in the deck. He started with a TR Charmander as
his active pokemon. I knew that I'd have to do this very fat if I wanted to
win the game. He played a fire energy on Charmander and the attacked my
Hoppip for 40 damage. I drew a Scyther placed it onto my bench, and attached
a grass energy to it, and then passed for my attack. I left Hoppip for dead.
On his next turn he played Growlithe, and attached a fire energy to it, and
burned Hoppip out of play. I promoted Scyther, attached a DCE to it, and then
used Professor Oak, I got what I was looking for, a Pluspower, I attached it
to Scyther and was able to knock out Charmander. He had to send out
Growlithe, and he flared Scyther for 40 damage. I had to Computer Search for
an SER, I used it and after 2 turns, Scyther had defeated the Growlithe, and
I had won my fourth match. I was lucky in that match. He never got ot
Charmeleon, Charizard, Arcanine, or his Chaos Gym cards.
Round 5 (Finals) vs. Mitchell with Super-Splash Semi-Haymaker Deck
His deck was really well built,
it used every type of pokemon, in
the game, but all of them had colorless energy requirements, He started with
Surge's Pikachu active and a Skarmory on th bench, against my 2 Kangaskhans.
I pretty much ignored his Pikachu using Quick Attack, it took about 6 turns
for him to get me down to 20 HP, and about 5 more turns after I Scooped
Kangaskhan, I got out Jumpluff soon enough, but I had to use Magmar to defeat
the Skarmory, although his deck was pretty impressive, it didn't deal enough
damage to get around Jumpluff's Leech Seed attack. I won after about 20 or so
and Slops
to Mitchell for get all the way to the finals with such a cool deck.
Props to Jumpluff for winning about 4 of th natches for me.
Slops to all fire decks my deck is weak to.
Slops to the prize packs I got (not a single holo out of 7 packs!)
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