The point of this deck is to cause the opponent to go insane with the use of Chaos Gyms. Also, the use of Base Set Raichus to avoid damage and Jolteon and Dark Raichu to dish out the major damage. The always popular Scyther and Team Rocket's Zapdos are in this deck to stop Hitmonchan from turning my deck into pudding. With the use of Chaos Gyms, this deck is known to make people go insane.
Shocking Revelations
4 Pikachu (Neo) Best ones so far!!!
2 Base Raichu
1 Dark Raichu
1 Eevee
Only had two promos!!
2 Promo Eevee For
the power!!!
2 Jolteon
3 Electabuzz
3 Scyther
1 Team Rocket's Zapdos
3 Gold Berry
2 Time Capsule
2 Professor Elm
4 Gust of Wind
2 Bill
2 Chaos Gym
3 Plus Power
19 Electric
4 Double Colorless
First Match: Michael (my brother) w/ Meganium & Exeggutor Deck
Started out with a Pikachu and a benched Promo Eevee. He started out with Exeggcute and a benched Chikorita. I went first and hit his Exeggcute with 30. He attached an energy and then said go. I quick attacked again and KOed his Exeggcute. >From there, it kept going back and forth till it was down to my Raichu with 30 on it and his Venusaur. His Venusaur used solarbeam and I lost
Second match: Jonathan w/ Raindance deck
Started out with TR's Zapdos and a benched Pikachu, with the rest energies. He started out with a lone Squirtle and I won.
Third match: same as second match
Not as lucky this time. I managed to stall for a little while with Chaos Gym and Raichu, but Blastoise was too much. I got down to two prize cards left before his third Blastoise finished off my last Raichu. Better luck next time.
Any comments/questions aboutr my deck?
Email me at