Hey Scott Gerhardt I think you'll find this interesting but annoying!
Deck: Annoyance w/baby pokemon
Place Toys R Us Boca Raton Fl
Contestants 20-30?
date Febuary 5th, 2001

I have put some serious thought into this deck to become the most "annoying"
deck that ever lived. The strtagy is to stall and try to deck them while you
charge up Zapdos and Blaine's Arcanine. If worse comes to worse use nightly
garbage run and in 5 turns do 520 damage!!!

Pokemon: 25
3 magby (perminent 50% chance of invincibility and evolves into a giant
smokescreen plus you can stop all those stupid, idiotic, maby more annoying
then me Mr.Mime!!!! and free retreat)
3 magmar (can you say smokescreen?)
3 elekid (just play around with its invinvibiltiy and playfully punch {for 40
damage} a blastoise into submission plus free retreat)
3 electabuzz (why not? if you want to be annoying with paralis or if you just
want a KO just eveove elekid and free)
3 evee (leer is a good stall unntill you get jolteon)
2 jolteon (rocket set, its first attack is like a one energy agility. Nice)
3 Base Set Zapdos (once you done fooling around use switch, do 100 damage and
thats one prize)
3 Blaine's Growlithe (either type of his growlithes aree good because all you
need them for is to evolve)
2 Blaine's Arcanine (120 damage, instant KO a Charizard or over do it on a
bellsprout for 240 damage I hope you have fun with those scythers and their
weakness to fire)

Trainers: 12
3 proffesor oak (he may be an old geiser but 7 cards are worth it!)
2 nightly garbage run (incase one is in your prizes which can ruin this deck
1 super energy retrieval (your heavy hitters will quickly discard all of your
3 switch (to go from one power house to another, and another, and another...)
2 professor elm (so what if he is a nerd? 7 cards is worth the price to pay
for being geeky)
1 sprout tower (to stop wigglytuff in its tracks and KO it)

Energy: 23
1 recycle (if you don't have a switch this is the next best thing)
11 electric energy
11 fire energy

Now the tournament
me vs the raindancing idiot
I got a first turn magby and zapdos. I put out magby and used sputter on a
seel. He didn't get one hit on magby with headbutt and by the time I killed
him with sputter my zapdos and another zapdos that I drew were ready and so
was his blastoise. He sent out Blastoise, I used magby's free retreat put out
zapdos, thunderbolt I win
me vs moron
This level 100 moron fought it to the death with a bellsprout bergade vs my
magmar team...this was to easy but i stalled long enough to finish him off
with Blain's Arcanine's Firestorm for 240 damage an a bellsprout. For some
reason I thought it was overkill but decided it was his fault for usin
ballsprout in the first place
me vs a dark and base set5 blastoise team. I pulled 2 elekid in the beginning
aand din't have time to do 200 damage with a zapodos to the blastoises so I
playfull punched my way out and KO'ed 3 blastoises and 2 seels before he used
Blastoise's tackle thing and killed elekid. Then I used a fire pokemon vs
water a mistake? Nope! Blaine's Arcanine used Firestorm for an instant ko and
the win

- to pojo so I could have multiple people use my deck to annoy the world
- my dad who I taught to play peekomon and used my deck to KO a Wiggly deck
- to pojo if the put this on the deck reports page

- to people who still use raindance decks and get KO'ed by magby's sputter
and elekid's playful punch
- to the stupidist person in the world who kep saying "I will summon the
power of the bellsprout" (I think he's a nut case or he lives in sprout tower)

PS Scott if you read or if anyone else does this I suggest you try it out and
if you find any more pokemon who will fit into this deck and its annoyance
(besides rapidash and raichu because the can't do very cool things and be
annoying at the same time) tactics please e-mail me
Michale Berkowitz at
kvetch adj. Kah-Vet-CH defintition- hebrew for annoying