deck (Lightning/Fighting) by James Lomas
'n Burn deck (Fire/Lightning) by John Lomas
SPACE EXPO 30th December Noordwijk, NETHERLANDS
7 participants and an Official Trainer. No categories
Not many participants (around christmas you see), but my
father and I joined in.
(Initially I could not join in, but I could because there were
nearly no people)
Deck restrictions: Base to Rocket (some people
used Gym Leaders, also allowed).
2x Hitmonchan
4x Electabuzz
3x Scyther
1x Kangaskhan
2x Ditto
3x Mysterious Fossil
2x Aerodactyl
2x Zapdos (Base)
1x Lickitung
1x Computer Search
1x Energy Removal
1x Super Energy Removal
1x Scoop Up
2x Oak
3x Switch
3x GOW
3x Pluspower
3x DCE
7x Fight
15x Electric
Slash 'n Burn
Round 1 v ?????? (Water)
v Diana (Grass-Water)
I struggled, getting hardly any energys. Then came Buzz after I
was lucky because I got Fire and she got no Water Pokémon
he picked up about 4 prizes. I finally got energys and Buzzed
. Then I burned down the Grass!! I win.
5 of his Pokémon to the discard pile. He picked up 1
And the battle went on the toss of a coin. HEADS I win.
W1 L0
W1 L0
Round 2 v Diane Somethingovic (Fire-Grass)
v Stefan (brother of Diane) ???deck (used MR.MIME)
Another struggle. We both ended up with 5 prizes.
I won.
I had Zapdos, she had Flareon. If Heads I would
win if I used Thunder. If tails, and if she had a Fire
energy, she would win. Then Jan reminded me that
Zapdos has Thunderbolt (oops)! I win again.
W2 L0
W2 L0
Round 3 Light-Fight v Slash 'n Burn!
I (Light-Fight) was lucky. Using PlusPowers, Oak, Aerodactyl,
Buzz and Chan I won!
W2 L1
Round 4 v Stefan Somethingovic (????deck) v
Official Trainer (Devastation)
Quick game. He used Mr.Mime as his only Pokémon.
Growlithe and Grimer v Dark Vaporeon (Dark Vaporeon won)
I had Ditto and loadsa Benched Pokémon. Him first.
Not very lucky. I lose.
Attaches a Psy to Mime. I attach DCE to Ditto: Meditate.
Attaches a Psy to Mime: Meditate. I draw Oak. Use him
and get Hitmonchan. Attach Fighting to Mime. Retreat
Ditto: KO'd. I win!
W4 L0
W2 L2
Round 5 v OT (Devastation)
We both won
W5 L0
W3 L2
8th: Official Trainer (Won 3 Lost 2)
7th: Jan (Won 0 Lost 5)
6th: Diana (Won 1 Lost 4)
5th: Diane (Won 2 Lost 3)
4th: ??? Water deck (Won 3 Lost 2)
3rd: Stefan (Won 3 Lost 2)
2nd: John Lomas (Won 3 Lost 2) (8 TR Packs +
1ST: James Lomas (Won 5) (14 TR Packs, Devastation,
Trouble and a Limited Edition SPACE EXPO watch!)
Look out for future KDRS!