by Ryan
Saturday, February 7th, 2001
Danbury, CT Toys R Us Pokemon League
Brookfield, CT USA
My deck Electric Speed consists of fast retreating, drawing, and hitting
cards. I liketo use my two Raichu, Zapdos, and Magneton, in what I call the
Electric Recycle Method. I power up my Zapdos and Raichu, when they are
weakened beyond repair.I use Magnetons pokemon power. This helps against
trainers like Super Energy Removals and it’s not a waste of energys for those
high energy costing pokemon. So here is the Electric Speed:
2 Double Colorless Energys
16 Electric Energys
1 Rocket's Zapdos
2 Lt. SurgesRaichu (rare)
1 Gym Hero Pikachu
2 Gym Challenge Pikachu
1 Pichu
3 Base set Electabuzz
1 Lt. Surges Magneton
2 Lt. Surges Magnemite (your choice on which one)
2 Jungle Scyther
2 Computer Search
2 Super Energy Removal
1 Lt. Surges Treaty
3 Professor Oak
4 Plus Power
4 Potions
2 Sabrina's Psychic Control
3 Super Potion
4 Bill
2 Gust of Wind
Battle 1: Day 5 Pokemon League:
My first battle was easy due to that the opponent had a water deck with only
two pokemon. He used a Magikarp and went first. He placed an energy and used
a Professer Oak. I went and put an energy on my Electabuzz and paralyzed him.
He then evolved his Magikarp and let my next turn to start. I placed an
energy and 3 plus powers and that was the end of Gyarados. He then sent out a
Squirtle which was no trouble at all and that was it. Win 1.
Battle 2: Day 4 Pokemon League:
Now onto my second battle I was up against a fighting deck. In disbelief I
beat him with a Scyther, Double Colorless and Electric Energy, and a Oak. It
went as he sent out a Hitmonchan and no bench. I had my hand ready and I
placed a Colorless Energy and it went on as I kept placing the energys needed
and use the oak in search for a back-up pokemon or two. Instead I killed him
on my fourth turn and that was it. Win 2
Battle 3: Day 4 Pokemon League:
This is my third battle and close to my only lose thisday this is how it
went. This was an exciting battle. Two electric decks! Of course it was
terribly long, but I'll make it short. The opponent had a full bench and a
Wigglytuff so it was hard to beat. By turn five he had a powerful wigglytuff
and I had a scyther he used do the wave and nearly killed me. I used my
scyther and did 30 damage and he was gone by turn six. I then sent out my
Rocket's Zapdos half charged. He used a plasma which somewhat weakened him.
He then used Do the Wave and once again nearly knocked out Zapdos. He used a
plasma with an attached plus power to destroy the Wigglytuff. During this
long moment of kills he used to many oaks leaving him with two cards left in
his deck. I had only a Lt. Surges Raichu. He used a bill thinking he could
kill me, well he didn't. My Raichu was pumped with two energys, now this is
what he didn't expect... a plus power! I placed the plus power down and used
Kerzap. Now if it was heads I'd win if it was tails he'd win breaking my
winning streak. I flipped and it was heads winning me the game. Win 3.
Battle 4: Day4 Pokemon League:
Four my fourth battle I faced a grass/ fire deck. This was a quick one, cause
he only had a Bulbasaur and a Charmander. I used my Zapdos to wipe these guys
slowly from their power and they soon fainted and I only had 20 damage on me
due to Super Potion. Win 4.
Final Battle: Day 4 Pokemon League: The End!
This was my last and final battle with a good friend Tom.Of course I didn't
stand a chance, but it was close. We started off with good pokemon. He had 2
Sneasels and 2 Rocket Zapdos. I had 2 Scyther and a Rocket's Zapdos he had a
Sneasel out and my Zapdos was out. He didn't have any energys. He was
desperate for a Oak. Well my Zapdos knocked out his Sneasel. He finally drew
up an oak and destroyed me with a Super Energy Removals and his other
Sneasel.He on by one slowly pushed me into defeat. And that was it two good
players one winner and that was one of my best friends Tom. It didn’t bother
me though I was going to be glad any way due to friendship.
Well that's it and I hope you consider making an electricdeck. Thanks Tom for
helping me all the way!