Da Plumish Beats version 2.0 (
Compendium Collectables
Rocky River, OH
Feb. 3 2001
6 Players
4 Psyduck
4 Oddish
4 Dark Gloom
3 Dark Vileplume
4 Sneasel
2 Murkrow
3 Cleffa
4 Oak
4 Bill
4 Comp. Search
2 Trader
2 Breeder
1 Sprout Tower
1 ER
1 Switch
6 Psychic E
4 Darkness E
4 Rainbow E
I had not gone to a tourney for about a month and was outta
practice a
bit. All I faced were the kids at our league, which is not a challenge. I
played my Dark Vileplume deck( An Occult Powers variant) The deck uses
Psyducks Headache to prevent all trainers until I pull out Da Plume. Than I
power up Sneasel and Beat Up everything to win while my opponent has a hand
of useless trainers( The average trainer count around here is 35+. Sneasel
decks have replaced Wigglytuff, Haymaker, Trapper , and.... well, just about
everything else too. They are very broken, and even I used one. 4 out of the
6 players used Sneasel. Anyway, heres the Tourney.
Round 1 vs. Curtis with Wigglytuff
He was one of the matches I hoped to get. He never really makes the
even though he is a good player. My deck should have ran over him.
Unfortunately, I had a wretched hand. I drew all 4 of my Psyducks! And I had
no card advantage! I really didn't shuffle well. To make matters worse, I
really couldn't afford to get a slow start vs. a Wiggly deck. I was lucky
though. He oaked and got a full bench and a Double Colorless on Jiggly and
pounded. I Headached. He drew and..... He had no Wigglytuff! I stalled with 2
of my Ducks( He pounded the first to death) and finally got an Oak. I pulled
out my Plume and built up two Sneasels( He eventualy killed one of them since
he had time to draw alot of energy, which is rare.) I finally won my last
prize. I was really surprise to have won that one.
Round 2 vs. Brian( my brother)
Great. My first Sneasel match up. This would be really tough. Luckily I
first. I had a dream set up of Sneasel, Oddish and Psyduck. I oak and.....
NOTHING! I drew a horrible hand and had to end my turn. He top decks a Magby,
intended just to beat my deck. I would get out plume and he would sputter to
get past the power and play trainers. I pretty much lost than. He started
attacking with Sneasel and Ditto, and I really had no chance.
Round Three vs. Bill
Bill was playing a Feralligator deck. No one knows how powerful they
are. Luckily, he falls to trainer denial. Badly. I pull out the duck than
Plume, and fight with sneasel. He kill one of them with a Wooper. Pretty
humiliating. I still win though
Round 4 vs. Calvin
Fun. My most feared opponent. He was playing a weird mix of Steelix and
Sneasel in the same deck. It ran amazingly well. I went head to head with it,
but he played a low trainer amount and Steelix is very good vs. Sneasel. He
gets one out and I get owned. I forfeit since I was up against a Steelix and
Sneasel ready to go and I just lost my last Darkness providing energy. I end
up with a 2-2 record.
With only 6 people, I make the top 4. I am facing Calvin again. My hand is
pretty sad. I have 2 Psyduck and a Murkrow. No Oaks or Comps. He has a lone
Sneasel. I play first. Attach a Psychic to Psyduck and Head ache. He has a
hand of Steel energy and Steelix, besides his useless trainers. I pile on
alot of Dark energy to a Murkrow( I drew 3 in my opening hand.) Finally I
draw and oak and get my fourth Dark energy. I retreat my Duck for the Murkrow
and Faint Attack for 60 and the Ko.
I move on to face Brian, who beat Tom. We decide to split the prize money
with a tie. Over all I could have done better, but I still tied for 1st.