Super Trainer Show Down

Secaucus, NJ November 18, 2000

Name Andrew C. Hopper

Division 15 and up

Rank 16 out of  226

Deck Name: Fire Blast, because it was a blast to play with.


3x Arcanine

3x Growlithe

2x Magmar fossil

2x Electrabuzz

2x Electrode

2x Voltorb

2x Brock's Diglett lv13

2x Scyther

2x Chansey


3x Professor Oak

3x Misty's Wrath

3x Computer Search

2x Gust of Wind

2x No Removal gym

1x Nightly Garbage Run

1x Item Finder


10x Fire Energy

4x Electric Energy

3x Fighting Energy

3x Rainbow Energy

3x Double Colorless Energy

2x Full Heal Energy


 Andrew C. Hopper Super Trainer Showdown report.


After a long car ride up from South Carolina with my mom, sister, two brothers, and I made it to New Jersey.  When we got there we had lunch then went shopping at the Nanuet Mall and got some Pokemon stuff.   Later we had supper with the friends we were staying with.  After supper we went to go for the Friday sign up for STS.  We got a little lost on the way. J   We got sigh in then went back to our friends place, counted are cards and put then in some new ultra protectors I picked up at the mall.  Then we went to bed.  We got up  early and headed to the Meadow Lands.  Had a nice breakfast.  Next we got are Pokemon stuff out of the car and headed for the tournament area.   They gave us all some cool T-shirts.  They also had  “Catch Me if You Can” song from the Pokemon First Movie sound track when we got there.



Before the posting went up I went to find a few pre game matches.  I found this kid who would battle me.  He was Playing a Clefable\Clefairy  Haymaker with Rocket’s Zapdos, Scyther ect.  I played him twice and he beat me both times.  After the that game I changed a few things in my deck.  I took out a Voltorb, Electrode, and a Gust of Wind to put in Two Magmar and a Nightly Garbage Run.  Those three changes made a big difference in the Tournament as you will see as you read on.



Posting are up and I’m at seat 49.  My opponent had a hearing impairment, which made it a interesting match.  He started with a Hitmochan.  I can’t remember what I started with, but I don’t think it was that good.  A few turns later I get my Arcanine out and started claming prizes.  He was having an energy problem so He didn’t really have a chance to fight back.  At about the end of the match he tried  using a Super Energy Removal but I had my No Removal Gym out and he decided not to use it. I was glad he decided not to use the SER

Because I had a Double Colorless Energy and Buzzapped Electrode on my Arcanine.  A little later I won but only by one prize card. 


Next postings are up and I’m at seat 48.  My opponent is an older guy who tells me I should not take a long time on my turn.  He starts with a Hitmochan and I think a benched Abra.  A few turns later he gets Alakazam into Play and starts swapping damage.  I’m not worried because I’m about to have a Arcanine ready.   I retreat my Scyther that was slowing down his Hitmochan and send up Arcanine and Take Down Hitmochan and a Movie Mewtwo I think.  A little while later he sends up a Mr. Mine against my damaged Arcanine.  I retreat my Arcanine and sent up Magmar and Smoke Screen.  Next turn I smog and poison his Mr. Mime.  He didn’t retreat his Mr. Mime so next turn he had ten damage from poison I Smog again and knock out his Mr. Mime.   I have about Four, six or even less cards left in my deck and Nightly Garbage Run,  Item Finder in my hand, and a fully powered Arcanine.  I claimed my last two prize cards  with the help of NGR and Item Finder that I used to get a Gust of Wind.


I am 2-0 and I’m starting to feel a little bit more confident.  Posting are up again and I think I’m at seat 28.  I don’t remember much about this battle other than started with a Rockets Scyther and me with a Magmar.  I proceeded to fry his Scythers with my Arcanine.


I can’t remember for the life of me what round four was like. I can’t even remember playing any one.


I am on to round five and at seat three I think so I must be 4-0.  My next opponent was one of the Quarter Finalist and you can  check his standing and deck list at and his own deck report at .   He wanted to use a nickel for  the game and not let me use my Misty coin.  A few turns into the game he gets a Ditto out,  I put up my Magmar.  A turn or two later Ditto has twenty damage on it and he has Aerodactyl in play stopping my Growlithe but I have a Scyther about powered up, a Gust of Wind in my hand, and next turn if I can poison Ditto with my Magmar this turn it will have Fifty damage on then next turn I might  be able to take Ditto out by benching it using Gust of Wind and bring up Aerodactyl slash him with Scyther.  The flip…  the nickel lands behind a fold on the table and it’s…. TAILS  AAAAARGH dumb nickel.  He knocks out my Magmar and I send up Scyther and knock out Ditto.  I think he sends up Rocket’s Zapdos and KO my Scyther.   I promote Growlithe and he KO it with  Zapdos.  A few turns later he sends up a fully Powered Chansey and KO one of my Pokemon claiming his second to last prize card.  I can’t remember which one he knock out.  My turn I have to choose either one Gust up Aerodactyl and stall or put a Double Colorless Energy on my Chansey that has Forty damage already on it and scrunch and hope for heads then next turn send up My Brock’s Diglett attach a fighting energy to it, retreat Chansey  send up Brock’s Digit and use surprise attack to knock out his Chansey.  I chose to use Gust of Wind to bring Aerodactyl up and buy my self some time.  He would put enough energy to retreat Aerodactyl, send up Chansey and Double Edge for his last prize.


I am now 4 and 1and I can’t remember which seat number I am in other then it was in the teens.  I start the round with a good hand,  which included Professor Oak,  Brock’s Digit, and a Few other basic  Pokemon.  He goes first and puts a energy on his active Jigglypuff.  I go and put a Fighting energy on Diglett.   Back to his turn and puts a double colorless energy on his Jigglypuff then evolves to Wiggly tuff and makes the comment to one of his friends that he was finally able to get a fully power Wiggly tuff on turn two.  I answer by sending up my Brock’s Diglett attacking with Tremor.  Bye bye Wiggly tuff!  My Diglett knocks out one or two more Pokemon of his Pokemon.  I  win the match then he asks to look at my deck.  I let him look at it and he seems to find nothing wrong with it.


Round 7 I am 5 and 1.  I find my self at seat 4 or 5 I can’t remember which.  About midway through the match he gets a Resistance Gym into play and starts using his Hitmochan to jab my Scyther for ten damage.  I remove his gym by putting my No Removal Gym into play.   On his next turn he puts another Resistance into play and starts jabbing my Scyther again for ten Damage.  Back to my turn I use my Item Finder to retrieve my No Removal Gym and put it into play.  I think he got another Resistance Gym into play and my Scyther lost his resistance again.  Late into the match he got down to one prize card and had a fully power Hitmochan on the bench.  I had a Chansey waiting to use double-edge and three prize remaining.  He send up his Hitmochan “I can’t remember why”.  I send up Chansey and use double-edge on Hitmochan.  His turn, he sends up a Scyther, puts a Hitmochan on his bench, attaches a fighting energy to it, retreats his Scyther  and puts up Hitmochan and KO my Chansey for his last prize card.


When my opponent and I finish our match  Master Trainer Mike sat down beside us to check our decks.  I may have lost the match but at least I got to meet Master Trainer Mike. J 


Round 8, final round and I am 5 and 2. and My next opponent starts with only a few basic Pokemon and I Start with all the things I need to get my Arcanine up and running.  A few turns into the match he gets a Brock’s Nine tales into play.  Then he attaches Blaine’s Char lizard to Brock’s Nine tales using it’s Pokemon power it’s Pokemon Power and uses burn down.  I get Arcanine out and use Flamethrower. He puts Clefable on Nine tales and uses Metronome to use Takedown, but missed knocking out my Arcanine by ten damage.  I KO two more of his Pokemon and  win because he did not put any more basic Pokemon down.  He was a nice guy and just had a bad hand.


Well the Finals are in and I am, 6 and  2, ranking is 16th out of 226, and 18 points with a resistance of 106.  I am not in the final eight but very close.  Here is a link  for you to look at the final standings.


I like reading every one else’s props and slops so here are mine.

Props to:

Wizard of the Coast for having such a good tournament and it being free was great too.

To Prop15/3oc =(no more than 15 trainer in a deck and no more than 3 of any other card other than basic energy cards). J

I think Prop 15/3oc is great.

To Arcanine, Brock’s Diglett, and Misty’s Wrath being number one cards for me.

Slops to:

To me for taking so long to complete this report.

To anyone that thinks that Prop 15/3oc is not a great tournament format.


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