The Maximum Wave(Electric)
A deck by Max
Absolut Spel, Stockholm, Sweden
Saturday, February 10, 2001
Hi, mi name is Max and I live in Stockholm, Sweden. I usually go to another
store for the pokémon league, but today I decided to go to a tournament
somewhere else.
Please try not to be mad at me for my english, I live in Sweden after all.
Maximum Wave v 1.0:
Pokémon: (16)
4 Jigglypuff (needed for Wiggly)
4 Wigglytuff (see title of deck)
3 Electabuzz (best basic out there)
3 Scyther (collorless attack and free retreat)
2 Ditto (use their own pokémon against them)
Trainers: (26)
4 Professor Oak (the single best card out there, mucho card drawing)
2 Bill (2 cards for free, sign me up!)
4 Comp Search (any card out of your deck)
4 Item Finder (8 oaks, yes please!)
3 Gust of Wind (gust-of-win!)
4 Plus Power(PP, take out those 70 hp pokémon)
3 Sneak Attack (i don´t like Energy removal)
1 No removal gym (see above, take out other gyms)
1 Nightly Garbage run (tech)
Energy: (18)
4 Double Collorless Energy
1 Full heal Energy
13 Lightning Energy
The strategy is to pump a Wiggly fast and do the wave with full bench, nuff´
First there was some group play. After that the 2 best had to fight it out
over 3 boosters.
Entry feee was 2 $.
Round 1 vs Dennis with Psychic Wiggly:
I started with a jiggly out and Scyther and ditto on bench. No oak or card
drawing in hand. I go first attach lightning to ditto. He starts to power up
a jiggly. I don´t wanna fight a wiggly next turn so I lullaby. He flips
tails and put NRG on jiggly, evolve. Things are not starting good. I
energize ditto. He attacks with wiggly,(PP not full bench) nocking out my
jiggly. I bring out a ditto, oak. Fill bench nrg on ditto, attach 2 PP on
him and do the wave for nockout.
He only has Mp Mewtwo´s on his bench, easy nockouts for Ditto!
Round 2 vs Patrick with Zubat/Golbat deck:
He starts with lonly Zubat(40 HP) and I start with jiggly. I go first.
Seeing that I can get a 1 turn win I start oaking and comp searching like
crazy. Eventually my jiggly has a double collorless and 2 PP on him. I win
first turn!
Round 3 vs ??? with Stall:
I had to finish this quickly I thought or else I will deck. His deck isn´t
so fast so first turn I oak to get full bench and put nrg on jiggly. I get
out pumped wiggly turn 2 and proceed to kill(sorry knock out) his abras and
Round 4 vs Erik with classic Gaymaker(no, I didn´t spell wrong):
I start slow with Scyther and Electabuzz. I sneak and put down a no removal
gym first turn. Scyther starts beeting up a Hitmonchan, Electabuzz finish of
a Scyther. I get my Wiggly out eventually and he conceedes.
Round 5 vs Tomas with Fighting Wiggly:
He knocks out 1 of my wigglys with 2 turn wiggly. I proceed to knock out his
wiggly with mine. Wiggly faints eventually and I bring out Scyther to clean
I go to the finals.
Finals vs Tomas againL:best outta 3 wins the tournament:
Game 1:
I start strong with wiggly turn 3. He looses soon thereafter.
Game 2:
I start weak. He starts Hitmonchan. He knocks out Electabuzz and a jiggly
and I am forced to oak away my deck to recover and kill hitmonchan with a 40
hp wiggly. He knocks my wiggly out. By now I am desperat. 1 card in deck and
2 prizes. He has a jiggly out, no damage + a Hitmonchan on bench. He stalls
with lullaby. I kill jiggly with wiggly, he kills wiggly with hitmonchan. I
bring out scyther, and suddenly discover my item finder in hand. I have full
bench and a powerless wiggly. No other pokémon has any nrg. I item finder
ngr and put back 3 lightning nrg. He doesn´t know about my PP in my hand so
I slowly build up wiggly. With no cards in deck I bring out wiggly. He
thinks he has won because of his 70hp, but I play PP and knock him out for
the win!!!!!
I win 3 boosters and get crap.
To wiggly for winning with me
To me for playing good
To nintendo for creating pokémon
To the crappy prizes
To Tomas for wanting to copy my deck
To my mom for not wanting me to play pokémon much (I forgive her)
See ya next time!
-Max, Swedish master